The Glade

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Clara was blinded by the far brighter light that now flooded into the small room. She had to squint to see anything- though it was mostly just blurs. She heard talking above her- the shadows that were apparently people conversing amongst themselves. Something flew down from above. She saw it was a rope with a loop in the end for foothold. Getting the meaning quickly, she grabbed on, and ascended toward the sky. Once at the top, two people grabbed her arms and pulled her up. Getting used to the light, she was able to see everything clearly now. There was a crowd standing just in front of her, 50 to 70 people. Glancing around, she realized they were all women- not a single guy.
She was able to define the closer ones- a freckle littered ginger with a black striped red shirt, a Japanese bearing a long katana on her back, and a smaller brunet whose hair was drawn back in a ponytail. So many questions ran through her head- she chose the obvious one. "Where am I?" She asked. Her voice was deeper than she had imagined it. A hand feel on her shoulder. "We call it the glade." It's owner claimed. Clara turned around. She wished she hadn't. When her eyes met a scaly light green face, she fell backwards, screaming. Surprisingly, only a few people laughed- they must have all gone through it. She got up, not able to look away from the reptilian face. "Get used to it."

"What?" She asked. "Who are you? Why can't I remember anything but my name?"

"Name's Vastra- but that's Madame Vastra to you. As for the memory, I can't say. None of us remember a thing past the Box," she gestured to the small room Clara came from, "that is, unless...." Her voice trailed off.

"Unless what?"



Vastra laughed. "Persistent- you'd be great with Rose."

All of this came in too fast- Clara could barely take it. All of a sudden, she felt herself running. She saw a small grove of trees, decided to rest on the trunk of one. She sat there, curled up, trying to make since of the whole situation. It was another 20 minutes or so when she finally heard another voice. It was Vastra.

"Hey." She said. Clara looked up. "Let me get this clear- if you're not scared, you're not human- or Silurian." Clara thought That's was species Vastra was. "Or Zygon-" She continued. "Are you a Zygon? Whatever- Zygon or not, you should-" Vastra was cut off by another voice- deep, probably Irish.

"Vastra." It said. "Maybe she'll take this better from someone..... Different....." Vastra just nodded. Clara turned to the source of the voice. It came from a black haired woman- she looked around 29- with green eyes, sunglasses upon her head, wearing a white coat, black running pants, and a gray shirt with a black dot pattern. She held her hand out.

"Zara." She said. "You?"

"Clara." She said, taking the woman's hand.

"You seem smart- in fact, we're all pretty sharp tools, so it's only wise to assume the same thing about you. We've all been though First Day, we've all felt the need for answers, and we've all had to live with that. Before another question is asked, yes- one day, we will have answers. Until then, don't do anything stupid. We don't want you to die before you even have a confirmed job to do here- and no one ever hasn't found one. In the beginning, we were all like you, huddled in corners, scared to even speak to each other. Then Sarah Jane started cooking, and it brought most of us together. Every week we get supplies. Since that time, we've built a lot, making a community, able to accept this life for what it's worth. So, get through tomorrow morning alive, Greenie, and we'll get you up to date. Savy?" Slowly, Clara nodded her head.

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