The Twenty Third Chapter

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    1, 2 and.... Done! Madame Vastra's body heat was completely cloaked. She appeared dead, and whatever creatures were out in this maze certainly wouldn't like their meal already dead. No, they were hunters. He looked at his Sonic Screwdriver, the device he used to hide Vastra's body heat. A shaft made of many materials, then the green Kyber Crystal at the top, surrounded by four metal claws. A remarkable device, able to manipulate anything. "Except wood, that is." The Doctor said. Another loud hollow moan erupted from the maze, this time closer. It sounded like a lost soul, an empty one, crying out to the world. Lost, forgotten, alone. "And believe me." The Doctor said, staring blankly ahead of him. "I know what that sounds like."

     The moans started getting closer. The Doctor hadn't moved a step, the stubborn old man. He wanted to solve this enigma, he just didn't know how. Then he heard it. The first clink. The sound of metal making contact with stone. It was followed by another, then many more after that, each slightly louder than the last. Showtime. In the moonlight, he saw a shadow fall upon the wall at the end of the corridor. It was large. He'd dealt with worse. The first metal leg rounded the corner. Bronze. It was followed by another, then a large green mass. It's head was small, two pure black eyes placed on its head. The rest of the mass started to reveal itself, along with four more legs. As for the animal part, besides the head it was just a slug. It had a long metal tail with four claws surrounding a blue light at the tip. The same bronze metal was used for all mechanical parts. The creature sent chills down his spine. Now because it was three times the size of him. Not because it's menacing look. Not because it was an abomination. But because of the metal, because there was only one race in the entire universe that used that metal to create things. Only one race in the entire universe who would create such an abomination. And he knew what its creators were capable of. He'd witnessed it, time and time again, but this time, he wasn't so sure he could stop them. Despite all this, the Doctor remained unwavered. The creature had exposed itself fully now, and was looking at him. The Doctor opened his mouth. "Why hello there." He shouted. "The Doctor will be seeing you now."

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