The Following Day

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          Clara heard the roar of something - engines? She was in a large room, but for some reason it was all blurry. Lights flickered. That same, strange yet familiar engine roar was in the background, constantly on and off. She heard phrases passing by - wibbly wobbly, timey whimey.... Geronimo! Good source of potassium. Would you like a jelly baby? Then, all of a sudden, all of the words started blending together, forming one clearly audible line - "I don't want to go...."

           Rose woke her from her sleep. "The bloody hell's going on, mate?" It took Clara a second to gather her surroundings. She was still in the Glade, although dawn was peering over the walls. "You were fidgeting in your sleep. Bad dream?"

          "No, I.... No, I wouldn't call it a bad dream just.... Just some sort of memory? It was all blurry and I heard random words - it was really weird."

           "Doesn't sound like you'll be able to sleep anytime soon, no good to just lie back down right now. Sarah Jane's gonna be serving breakfast soon, if you want to get a bite- I'll go get Hannah." With that, Rose ran off. Judging by the fact that she hadn't given Clara much choice made her think Rose was the one running on an empty stomach. Either way, she decided to wait until Rose got back with the librarian. Clara heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Zara. "Overheard the conversation." She said. "You think you got a memory back?"

            "Actually, it's more like I got several memories, but all at once. Everything seemed so strange yet familiar..."

            "Either way, that's a bloody rare occurrence. Only people that have gotten stung get their memories back- like Ally."

            "Ally? Isn't she the leader of the builders or something?"

          "Yeah- one morning, she was standing in front of the North Door, and a Griever just came outta nowhere. The sting... It changes people..."

           "Wait, I thought Grievers only come out at night?"

         "I said they come out at night, but never did I say that they haven't ever come out at day, it's just a rare occurrence. Speaking of Grievers, Vastra and Micasa are about to go find that dead Griever in The Maze, the doors to which should be opening -" she looked at a watch on her arm. "- wait- now." Just as she said so, the doors to The Maze rumbled open. "Well, I'm gonna go supervise their taking off. You three have fun." She nodded her head towards the approaching Rose and Hannah, and set off to the East Door.

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