The Twenty Forth Chapter

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    The creature snarled. It wasn't daft, it was very conscious, and knew what he had said, surely. It was extremely intelligent. To create life was one feat, but to give it extreme intelligence was another. It only further confirmed his fears on what creatures had built it. But I won't say what until the climax, because I want to keep you all in suspense. Aren't I so nice. He though.
          The creature began to charge - he realized he had little time to think before he erupted in yellow light and wore a new face. He quickly swerved out of the way, using the creature's own inertia against it. The Griever slid past and he was able to run away through the next few corridors of the maze. His old appearance and aging hair would fool anyone, but he was far older than he looked and he had thousands of years to live. He could run a marathon.
      He heard the Griever approaching fast, it's metallic bronze legs clanging against the stone ground. He ran down many more corridors before hearing sounds in front of him as well. Judging by the sounds of the legs and moans rebounding off the walls, he predicted two more. He was right. As he rounded the next right, he faced two more Grievers. One was tall, had broad shoulders, and looked buff and strong. The one beside it was a small scrawny looking thing, indents in the skin where bones and mechanical works lay. The two turned toward him. The large one clanked the three metal talons on the end of its tail menacingly, the other jumping from leg to leg, shaking it's head, looking insane.
        The other Griever came up from behind. The three had him trapped. They edged closer to him, all of them at least twenty meters away in both directions. "Hey!" He heard the rough yell from behind his pursuer from earlier. It turned around, and he saw between its long metal legs a slender body with a sword in her hand. Micasa had returned.

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