The Library

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Rose and Clara sat together for breakfast. It had been hours since she'd seen the Griever, but it's image and terror still lingered in Clara's mind. "So." Rose said, trying to start a conversation. "Vastra's taking you on the tour, today."

"Yeah." Clara said, half her mind absent.

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah..." There was a long pause. Clara would rather it lasted longer.

"It's the Griever, isn't it? Yeah, those things are pretty terrifying... But, after you've been here for a while, the image just kinda washes away. Well, that's the way it is for us Informational Guides, at least. Too caught up in studying rather than worrying about what's out there..." Another pause. "There's Vastra- you gonna finish that bacon?" Clara shoved her plate forward, towards Rose, got up, and turned around. "You ready?" Vastra asked.

"Yeah." Clara said. "Where are we off to first?" Vastra threw a thumb behind her.

"Big tree, just over there." Clara had seen it before, but just thought it was for decoration. It sat in the exact middle of the Glade.

"What's it for?"

"You'll see- the Creators put it here. It's real wood, just not a real tree. It's more like a hollow structure in the shape of a tree." As they came upon the tree, Clara realized there was a small entrance- a pointed doorway without a door. The diameter was pretty wide, which meant there was a lot of room inside. Upon entering, she noticed large bookshelves, each with a label, covering the walls. She saw several Informational Guides form last night reading at some tables. The whole place had some sort of grandeur to it. When she began to walk to the middle of the room, she tripped on something and fell. A voice behind said "Sorry!" She got up and turned around. A woman- no older than 19 nor younger than 18- was standing directly behind her. Her hair was short and brown with a few pink strands in the front. She wore complete back expect for a thin red jacket with long sleeves. Even her glasses had a small black frame. "Name's Hannah-" she said. "Keeper of the Library."

"Keeper? Rose didn't list you when she told me the names of the other keepers." Clara said, confused.

"Oh, no matter- most Gladers don't do so either, they just call me the Librarian. So, you're the new Greenie here?"


"I remember first coming here- I was in the first group."

"Did you write all these books?"

"Well, some- History and Life Style of the Glade, Penguins, and too many fictions to count. Although, the Creators sent more.


"I asked."

"How do you ask?"

"Easy- wrote letters and put them in the Box. For every letter I kept asking for lots of books from each genre until I finally filled these shelves. Sparked a revolution, I did- Riders decided they'd do the same thing, asked for watches. Then more Gladers began requests. This is all in History and Life Style of the Glade, under the chapter Box Letters- of course, we don't always get what we want. A few people tried asking for a TV- seems the Creators just don't want us to know how good life outside the Glade really is."

"Bummer." Clara said.

"We'd best be off now, Clara." Vastra said. "Nice to see you, Hannah."

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