The Text.

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When me, Hanna and Caleb got to school Aria, Spencer and Emily were waiting for us. Toby Cavanaugh was sat next to Spencer and I was so confused. It was as if Hanna read my mind.

"Stop staring Abby, they are dating." She whispered.

"Excuse me?" Is whisper yelled.

"Just go with it okay, I will explain later." She said as we sat down around the table.

"Morning Han!" Aria said.

"Hi Aria, got English today" Hanna jocked.

Everyone around the table burst out laughing except me and Aria. I didn't get the joke, but I suppose that is what I get for leaving Rosewood for atleast a year.

"Guys I don't get it." I said.

"Aria is in love with our English teacher Mr Fitz." Spencer explained a little bit too excitedly.

"Woah Spence I think you have had too much coffee this morning." Emily said, pulling the coffee cup away from her.

"Well I'm going to get to class, bye Spencer." Toby said, getting up from the table.

"Bye Toby, love you." She said before giving him a passionate kiss.

"Bye Toby." We all said.

Toby walked of and Hanna decided it was finally time for first period. I had English first and the others had History. I was on my way to class with Mr Fitz when my phone went of. I pulled out my phone but the text was sent from a number that was blocked.

I read the message but was shocked at what it said.

You were always my faviroute. Want to make a deal?

Millions of thoughts were going through my mind.
Who was this 'A'?
What did the message mean?
Why was I getting the message?
Am I the only one getting this text?
Will there be more?

All the questions would have to remain unanswered for now, I had to get to English. I decided to talk to Hanna about the text later. I put my phone back in my bag and walked to class.

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