Confession Through a Note.

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The note was left on the cold stone asphalt underneath me. It was screwed up into a ball rather than laying neat and folded, like a normal letter would usually be found. The handwriting was unfamiliar yet I felt I had seen it somewhere before. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.


What I need to tell you isn't easy, and if I'm honest it breaks my heart that I haven't told you yet. Please know that everything I did, I did for you.

It all happened before we had even met, in fact I didn't even know that you existed despite looking into Hanna and her past. I helped A just to get revenge on Allison. She made my life misery when she was around, she was manipulative and the most horrible person I had ever met.

I know that my need for revenge isn't enough of an excuse for what I did, but there is more. A knew about how I felt about you, and it was used against me very cleverly I must add. I always thought of it as me helping you. If I was the one trying to threaten of get to you then you would be safer, because I wouldn't take it far enough to the point where you got hurt.

Unfortunately A has other plans for you and your friends. Telling you is too dangerous and I'm already worried for my life and safety. Don't make any mistakes Abby, A is always one step ahead of you and you are unsafe if your wanted.

I've had to leave, this is why I'm telling you as much as you can. I love you Abby, ever since we met I've loved you. I'm sorry that I never got the chance to tell you in person. When it's safe I will return, and I will be with you.


"No" I whispered.

My hand covered my mouth so that I wouldn't scream out in anger and shock. Wren was helping A. There was a feeling in my stomach that I hoped I would never have felt for him.


Did he really think that if he returned I would have forgiven him? There was no possible way that I could, how could he have done this to me... to my friends?


My head shot up towards the door as I crumpled the note back up and slid it into the back pocket of me tatted jeans. I couldn't let anyone see it, not yet anyway.

"Maybe he lied to us, she's not here."

Wait that sounded like...

"Hanna!" I yelled frantically.

I scrambled for the door and started slamming my hand on the door. I was weak from the lack of sunlight, food and water. But I didn't care I kept hammering my fist on the metal, my survival instincts kicking in. My desperate need to get it and see my sister and friends again.

"She's in here!" I could match that voice to Spencer.

Were they all here for me? Oh God please don't say I'm dreaming again. I've already dreamt of them coming to save me from this hell, I don't need that false hope again.

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