Heart Stopped.

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Emily's voice was distant. My eyes opened slowly to reveal a bright light, oh no wait.. that was just the sunlight. Since when had my eyes become so sensitive to the day time?

"Abby seriously, are you okay?" Concern was evident in Hanna's voice.

I slowly gained the strength to sit up and found both Hanna and Emily looking at me with blank expressions.

"That wasn't funny Abby, we thought you were dead or something." Hanna scolded me.

Emily gave Hanna a questioning glance.

"Han, she was still clearly breathing."

"Okay then. Well maybe Emily didn't think you were, but I definitely did!" Hanna flailed her arms around in a dramatic manner.

"Relax Hanna, I'm fine." I groaned at my sisters annoyance.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and reluctantly dragged myself from the warmth of my bed. All the while Hanna and Emily were watching me closely.

"Can I help you?" I questioned, puzzled as to why they were in my room in the first place.

"Actually, yes. We need to have a chat immediately. Can you meet us at Spencer's in about an hour?" Emily asked.

"Yeah sure. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"It's just 'A' stuff." She replied cautiously.

After the two girls had left my bedroom I headed into the bathroom to get prepared for the day ahead of me.

This spell that Wren has over me was crazy and I was undeniably into him. I found myself checking my phone several times in the hope that he had messaged me but was met with the feeling of disappointment every time. Maybe he'd ghosted me. I reluctantly pushed my phone into my back pocket and headed downstairs.

The clock on the kitchen wall was approaching mid-day which is when I agreed to meet the girls at Spencer's house. I grabbed my handbag, keys and phone and headed out.

Pulling up in my silver Ford Focus, Aria meted me at the front door of the Hastings' home. She dragged me inside by the arm eagerly. Clearly something had happened yesterday evening that I wasn't aware of yet. The girls were all sat around the living room area and looked up as Aria and I walked into the room.

"Hey, everybody okay?" I greeted them.

"Are you going to tell her, or shall I?" Spencer's abruptly interrupted me.

I frowned whilst sitting down on her sofa. All of them we're looking at me, but I couldn't help notice the look in Hanna's face. It was as if she was fearing something.

"Maybe we should just take things slow, people could get hurt Spence." Emily responded.

"What are you guys talking about?" I challenged.

Spencer turned to me, and uttered the words that I will never forget. Words that made the butterfly's in my stomach instantly disperse and created a whole in my heart and a clump in my throat.

"It's Wren... Wren is 'A'."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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