Chapter Two

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After just about eight grueling hours of flying in the air thousands of feet above the world at hundreds of miles per hour, we finally land in Sydney and I am able to walk on solid ground again. Finally.

I glance around at the new world around me as I walk around to exit the busy airport.

This place is crazy. There are people rushing out of the building in a hurry to get to their job on time, people embracing relatives they have not seen for ages, and people waiting around for their flight to arrive. There are husbands and wives on phone calls saying one last goodbye to their loved ones before they leave on a long trip they don't even want to go on.

All of this is new to me. I have never even been in an airport before. The closest I have come to one is driving past it on my way to a photo shoot.

I really need to get out more.

Now I have done the unimaginable. I flew in a plane. I never thought I would do that in my entire life.

I walk outside and over to a stoic man with a large white card in his hand. On the card, my last name is written in bold black letters.


He opens the door for me and takes my bags while I enter the limo.

Wow. Champagne and little cookies and treats. I have never been treated so well before. This guy must be rich if he is able to afford all of this.

The door shuts behind me and he walks around to get in his side. The driver pulls away from the curb and drives away from the airport. I notice that he drives on the wrong side of the road. Everyone here seems to drive this way. How odd. I will have to research why they all do that here. How interesting.

I shrug my shoulders and begin admiring the beautiful landscapes and architecture around me.

This place is so cool. I wish I lived here. Well, I guess I kinda do now. This is my new home. I am leaving all of my friends to start a new life - a new job - that I might not even end up liking.

Not too long after leaving the airport, the driver pulls into a driveway, longer than the runways at the airport. He parks the car and walks around to open my door for me.

My jaw hanging on the cement below my feet, I stand in awe of the giant house before me.

This place is like a mansion- no! Bigger than that! Three mansions built into one giant house

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This place is like a mansion- no! Bigger than that! Three mansions built into one giant house. How does someone live in this place and not get lost?

The driver hands me my bags and leaves me standing on the grass while he pulls out and returns to his daily life, I assume.

I walk up the long walk way and stand at the door, wondering what I am going to say when he opens it.

'Hi, I'm Dani,' seems a bit plain for this line of work.

I lift my hand an stare at my slightly shaking fingers as my index finger hovers over the beautifully designed doorbell. I press it by accident and immediately wish I could retract my hand and start over. I am not ready for that door to open.

The door swings open to reveal a beautiful blonde masterpiece. He smiles and opens the screen door and steps outside. "Please, come in!" He smiles and invites me inside the giant house. Pulling me in for a hug, his cold hands touch my bare back. I nearly faint. I had only ever dreamed of this day.

"I was going to play dumb and pretend I didn't know who you guys were but I am really such a big fan of you guys. When I found out it who I am working for, I nearly had a freak attack. This is honestly the coolest thing ever. Like, ever." I smile and smack my hand over my mouth for rambling on too long. "Sorry."

He laughs and calls for everyone else. "Don't be sorry. We all say a great deal of random things. We have just learned to embrace it. You will too. I'm Luke, but you already know that."

I smile and nod. He is great at pep talks. He should be a motivational speaker. If, you know, he wasn't a multimillion dollar singer or anything.

Ashton walks downstairs and pulls me in for a hug. He is even more beautiful in person.

"Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand and steps back to allow Calum to hug me.

I grip him tight, as if hugging a great friend whom I had not seen in years. "I like your dress."

"Oh thank you!" I smile, deciding not to correct him

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"Oh thank you!" I smile, deciding not to correct him. Actually, it's a romper. I don't want to piss off my idols...

"We are really grateful to have you here, Daniella. Our agent sent us a file on you so we would know exactly what was going to be knocking on our door today." Luke smiles.

"Or in my case, ringing." I smile at my joke. My smile fades as I see none of them laughing.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Oh I get it. Cause you rang the doorbell. You are quite a comedian, Daniella!" Luke laughs, sending the others into a fit of laughter as well.

A moment of silence falls upon everyone as the laughter fades down.

"So," Ashton's voice turns serious, any signs of joking and playing around, gone. "You are really going to help us?" He asks, hoping my answer to his question is going to be yes.

"That is what I am here for." I smile and smack the sides of my legs. "But I don't see which one of you has the attitude problem." I laugh, hoping not to offend them.

I haven't really been up to date with them but the last time I checked, I thought there was four of them. I have been so busy with my work I guess I lost track of time and they lost a member.

"Well, we aren't really the ones with the problem. You see, the problem lies with-" Calum begins, stopping his explanation before it even really begins. His eyes shifting up above my head as if something behind me captured his words and made him unable to speak.

"Me. The problem lies with me."

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