Chapter Nine

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I walk into my bedroom after closing her door and throw myself onto my bed, pulling the covers over my head.

Why did I have to upset her so much she had to cry? What a jerk. I don't like seeing girls cry. It makes me feel all weak and tingly inside.

And watching her cry is especially hard. She reminds me of someone. I can't quite put my finger on it. She looks very familiar for some reason.

She walked in the door today, did absolutely noting, but yet I was so rude to her. For no reason. I have been so nasty to her in the last twelve hours.

Why am I like this? I do not chose to be evil and rude to people. It just, well, happens. I don't understand it. I act this way to everyone around me. I don't even think. I just do.

But why?

When did this behavior start? What caused so much anger to build up inside of me?


My mum. She reminds me of my mum.


I hide my face and squat down in the corner of the room as my stepfather screams at my mum. Why does he always have to be so mean to her? Mummy finally decided she has had enough of him hitting her.

She yelled back.

Mum has never done that before.

But he is even more angry with her now. He is hurting her again. Even though she asked him very nicely to stop.

I run at him, slamming myself against his right leg. He is going to hurt momma. I have to help her.

Momma told me I was her little protector.

He screams out in pain as his leg wobbles and he falls to the ground.

"Michael go hide!" My mum shouts and reaches for me.

My step father rises and lifts me, throwing me back into the wall where I just was.

My head hits the wall. It really hurts. My eyes are heavy. I want to sleep.

I close my eyes and listen, helpless as my mother screams for my help.

I cant help her. I cant move. My whole body is stuck. I forget how to move my legs. Why does my head hurt so bad? I need mommy to kiss it to make it feel better.

At least they are not arguing anymore. But momma's screams are worse than the argument.

He is hurting her. Come on legs! Move!

The screaming stops. Where did mum go?

I open my eyes, trying to force my body to work. I have to help my mum.

My mum lays next to me, her blue shirt now a dark purple color. It looks pretty on her. Momma always looks pretty.

"Mum. Mummy." I lift my hand and shake her arm.

I hear my step father run up the stairs. He is going to go after my sisters. They are just babies. They can't argue with him the way mum can.

I hear them screaming and crying. Then it stops. None of them are crying anymore. The house is completely silent.

I wish I could help them. I still can't figure out how to move my legs.

The house fills with loud elephant sounds as someone runs down the stairs.

I close my eyes and hope he is not going to yell at me next.

I don't want him to hurt me like he hurt momma.

"What have I done? What have I done?!" I listen to him ask. Should I answer him? Is he asking me?

I squint my eyes open and see my step father pulling at is hair like he is angry. He walks around the den in a circular motion, staring at my mum.

He runs out of the room and slams the front door behind him. Why is he leaving momma? Why won't she wake up and comfort me. I really need a momma hug right now.

My eyes shut, though I try my best to keep them open.

Flashing lights shine though my closed eyes.

A man came inside and stared at momma for a while. She still won't wake up. Does she know there is a stranger in our house?

"Son?" I look up at a man wearing blue. "I'm a friend. I'm going to take you outside now. Do you want to get some ice cream?" 

Why did he call me his son? My real father is coming home soon. Momma told me. My other father is outside.

He takes my hand in his and picks me up. He carries me outside.

I watched them put momma in a bag.

Where are my sisters?

Will momma stay with them? Will she keep them safe while this man takes me out for ice cream?

I hope they have chocolate chip.

*End Flashback*

She was strangled to death that night. Right in front of my five-year-old self. He killed both of my sisters. I was left an orphan. All alone.

I didn't understand it then, being only five years old. But as I grew up and got older, the memories started connecting to what I knew about death.

I don't even know if my step father was ever captured and thrown in jail. No one ever told me. And with my busy life, I haven't had time to look it up online.

That is when it started. It has to be. I put up a wall to protect my younger self and it has never been able to come down yet.

I was thrown into foster care with people who couldn't give a damn about what happened to me. The kids I lived with beat on each other. I was still alone.

I guess I haven't felt safe enough to let my wall drop and be vulnerable.

Daniella reminds me a bit of my mum. She stands like mum did. And her smile. I feel like I am looking at my mum when her eyes look into mine.

Maybe she is my mum reincarnated or something. Or maybe my mum sent her as a gift to remember her by?

Either way, she does not deserve to be treated like everyone else. I need to protect her and keep her close to me. She's all I have left that reminds me of my mum.

AN: Hey guys! Please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter and all the chapters so far! I love hearing your feedback! And don't forget to vote!!!

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