Chapter Sixty- Eight

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Michael follows me out of the jail to my car. Unlocking it and opening the door, I stare at him. "I'm glad you were able to get that closure in your life, Michael."

He nods in agreement. "Still, something doesn't feel right about all this."

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Us." He replies.

I sigh and cover my face with my free hand.

"I know you probably don't want to listen to it, but just let me explain what happened last night." He begs.

"Look, I only came here to support you with your step-father. This isn't some big, fancy reunion like in the tv shows. This is real life, Michael. I came to support you and that is it. Now I am done. I'm going home."

"Just let me explain!" He shouts at me as I attempt to enter my car. "You don't get to waltz into my life and make it beautiful again just to walk out when you feel like it! You are quitting on me, on us, and you don't even seem to care!" He snaps.

I shut the door to my car and fold my arms across my chest. "Okay, let's hear it then. Let's hear the crazy excuse you came up with on the flight over here."

Michael groans. "You are jumping to conclusions so quick Daniella! What has gotten into you? What happened to believing in people and second chances?" He asks. "What changed?"

"Why don't you stop accusing me and start explaining. I have already given you time. Don't make me regret it."

"We dated in high school for a few months. We never even slept together so I can't possibly be the father. And not just because that but also because I haven't seen her in years and that's just physically impossible that I'm that kids dad. She means nothing to me, Daniella. She was just a past fling. Years ago."

I scoff. Nice try. "Then why did she have your initials on her ring?" I ask, still curious as to why the engagement- like ring sat on her finger with M.C. engraved on the side. 

"Well I've never seen this ring you are talking about, but her name is Maria Coffin. So it would make sense for the initials to be the same as mine." Michael explains.

"Oh." I turn my head away from him and stare at the ground, gripping the handle of the door in frustration.

That makes a lot of sense actually. And I can tell he is telling me the truth this time. I can feel it in his voice. He is being sincere with me. Now I am embarrassed for the way I behaved in front of everyone at that party. No wonder everyone was so shocked. They knew the whole story and probably thought I was crazy.

"I'm sorry for how I acted, Michael. I didn't know the whole story and she- I don't know what got into me. I just- I assumed and-"

"Don't be sorry, Daniella. I should have explained it to you earlier. But now you know everything and you can come home." Michael's smile could light up an entire room. He is glowing with excitement.

I shake my head. "I don't know, michael."

"Why not?" He asks. "You know the whole story now."

"This was never fully about her, Michael. This is about me taking care of myself before others. She just gave me the push I needed to leave."

"Dani, I- I don't know what to say." Michael places his hand on my shoulder. "I love you. And I want you to come home."

I shake my head. "I don't know, Michael. Things have changed. I- I- I don't know if it's me o-or if it's you but-"

Michael interrupts me. "Look." He sighs. "I've been carrying this thing around with me for weeks now. I've been waiting for the right time to use it." He reaches into his pocket. "Now seems about a good time as any. I suppose." He pulls a tiny little box out. He reaches inside and pulls the little ring out.

"Michael no!" I protest as he grabs my hand and tries to slide it on my finger. "I just told you I don't know how I feel anymore and you think it is the perfect time to propose?!" I scoff and refuse the ring. "I can't do this."

"Daniella, please." He sighs, holding my hand, staring up at me from his kneeling position on the floor. "That is exactly why I believe this is the perfect time to do this." He stands and moves closer to me. "It doesn't have to be a proposal for marriage if you don't want it to be. It can be- it- it can be a proposal for love."

I sigh. "Michael,"

"Just!" He raises his voice. "Just listen to me, please." He slides the little ring on my finger while he pauses, waiting to find the right words to say in this moment. "Be with me forever, Daniella. Promise me we will get married and be together. You are my forever. You are my end game."

"Michael," I smile softly. "It really is a beautiful ring." I stare at it. "But it doesn't mean anything.


"The ring and- and the promise? They mean nothing if things don't change.

"Things will change, Daniella. They have changed." He sheds a tear. "I love you."

"Well," I sigh with a laugh. "If you really love me, come meet my parents."

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