Chapter Thirty- Two

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I walk back inside and drag myself up the stairs. This is all taking a beating at my mental health. If by the end of this year I am not in a mental asylum receiving treatments, I will truly be surprised. I feel as if I am a completely different person than the one who got on the plane and flew over here not too long ago. I do not feel the same at all.

I curl myself up under the covers in my bed. I just want to sleep forever.

Michael walks over beside me, kneeling on the edge of the bed. "You won't regret this decision, Daniella. I promise. I am going to make this the best life you could possibly live. You will be treated like the princess you are."

"Okay." I whisper as I nod my head slowly. "I trust you."

"Alright then. Now I need you to get your butt out of bed." He jumps up and lands on his feet beside the bed, shaking me as he moves off the bed.

"What? Why? I just laid down. Now I am warm. I don't want to move." I argue. Why would I want to move myself out of this wonderfully soft and super warm bed? I love this bed. I don't want to leave it.

"Because we are going on an adventure. Now c'mon!" He shouts, pulling the blanket away from me.

I groan as the cold air hits my bare skin and gives me goosebumps. "Can't I just lay in bed all day? That's what I really want to do." I throw my legs over the side of the bed after Michael shakes his head and demands I go on this adventure with him. "This had better be worth it. Or else you are going to pay for making me get out of bed."

I stand up out of bed and cross my arms over my chest. It is freezing in here. Doesn't anyone around here know how to turn on the heat?

"Where are we going anyways?" I ask as I search for a sweater to wear. I can't go out in public like this. That would be unacceptable.

"You will see. Get dressed. I'll be in the car." Michael says, leaving the room. Why can't he just be simple and tell me where we are going. Then it would be a lot easier to figure out what I am going to wear.

I find my violet sweater and throw it on over my tank top. I am too lazy to take it off. I find a pair of sweats and pull them on quickly, hoping Michael is not going to take me anywhere with cameras. I am in no condition to be seen out in public.

I sit on the bed and pull my socks on to my feet. I can feel the bed calling my name.

"Daniella. Dani come lay with me. Please." Okay well, it did say please. I suppose I could lay down for a little while...

I pull the blanket over me and sigh. "I've missed you bed."

"Daniella!" Michael laughs. "I told you to come down." He pulls the blanket up so he can see my face.

"The bed was asking me to lay down." I reply honestly.

"You know beds don't actually talk, right?" He asks, laughing.

"This one does. And it's very polite." I smile. "It said please."

"Okay. Well, I didn't want to have to do this but now I have no choice." He steps back.

"Do what-" I ask as he leaps up and falls on top of me, his legs straddling me. He lifts his hands and thrusts them down into my stomach area, sending me in to a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Okay- okay!" I scream, trying to catch my breath. "I'm coming!" I shout, trying to push him off of me.

"That's all I wanted. We could have avoided this if you listened the first time." He laughs. "Thirty seconds or I am coming back for round two."

I sit up, stand off the bed, and follow him through the house and to the car.

AN: Where do you guys think he is taking her? Do you like them together?

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