Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Daniella," I follow her in to her bedroom and watch as she sits on the edge of her bed. She is distressed. I want to help her. I want to make her feel better.

However, I know that no matter how hard I try or how many methods I test on her, this is going to be a process. She has to heal. No one can force her to take any less time than she needs.

I will be there for her every step of the way until she feels better. Through all of the ups and especially all of the downs. And then we can move on with our lives and she can feel better about herself.

"He hates me now." She mumbles to herself, somehow convinced that a little injury made by a lotion bottle has somehow made Ashton despise her.

"Daniella, no one hates you." I assure her.

"I just hit him with a solid mass of lotion. I could have killed him or something!" She shouts, angry with herself for what she did. I can see it on her face and in her shaky voice.

I do wonder though, what made her attack him like that? Did she just lash out in anger at the men who did this to her and he happened to be there? Did she feel threatened by him? What happened to make her hit him?

"Daniella, I assure you. There is no way you could have killed Ashton - or anyone- with that bottle of lotion. A glass bottle would be a different story. You might have left a mark on his head but you were no where even close to killing him." I sit beside her, massaging her back with my hand. "He will be fine."

"I just-"

"You do not have to explain yourself. You are on edge. I get it. We all understand. You should really try to get some sleep. It might help a little." I pat her shoulder softly.

"I don't want to sleep." She lifts her head to look at me.

"Why not?" I attempt to remove a knot from her wet hair as we talk.

"They are coming for me." She whispers.

"No one is coming for you, Daniella." I shake my head.

"I heard them." She continues. "I heard them. I did. I did. In the hallway." She points towards the door.

She is playing back parts of last night in her head. The voices, swirling in her head as he brain connects memories bit by bit. She remembers. She is fighting to remember. God bless her heart if she remembers all of it- or even some of it- in full detail.

"No one is coming for you Daniella. No one is here for you except me and the boys. I promise. I- we will protect you. All of us." I reassure her.

All of us are here for her. She has nothing to worry about now. Besides, the men who hurt her, who attacked her and left her feeling helpless, they are gone now. I took care of it- of them. She has nothing to worry about.

She is safe.

Daniella nods, finally accepting the fact that inside this house and with us around, no one can touch her. She has realized she is safe in here. We are here to protect her.

"Will you lay with me, while I try to fall asleep?" She asks softly, grabbing on to my hand as if he life depends on it.

I nod. "Get yourself dried off and in new clothes. I will be right outside the door when you are ready." I stand and close her bedroom door behind me.

Daniella is going to be changed from this experience, whether she remembers it or not. This is a life changing thing. But I do not want it to make her different in a way that harms her.

She can be more reserved or shy but the second she begins to doubt herself or want to hurt herself in any way, that is where it has to stop.

I will not let this tragedy define Daniella. I refuse to let this shape her life. I will not let that happen. Daniella comes first now. Taking care of her is my number one priority from this point on.

No public press conferences or photo shoots. Only Daniella. She needs my full attention until she feels safe enough to be herself again. I am willing to put my life on hold for however long it takes until hers can begin to turn again.

She means that much to me.

She is a strong woman who deserved nothing but the best in life. And I am going to make sure she gets that.

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