Chapter Fifteen

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I glance across the table at Michael as he shoves his face with spaghetti. I laugh at him, as quiet as I can, and wipe my face with my napkin.

I wonder why he had the change of heart suddenly.

One minute he is threatening me and wanting me out of his house and the next he is taking me out to a candlelit dinner at an overly expensive restaurant.

I just don't get it.

Maybe it was our talk under the tree that night. I know that made me think different of him after we talked. Maybe it also made him think different of me too.

That might explain some things.

Michael wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and then smears the leftover sauce he now has on his hand on the napkin in his lap. At least, I hope there is a napkin there. Those pants are way too nice to get stained with sauce. That will not come out in the wash.

He raises his hand, signaling for the check. The waitress walks over and places the black envelope on the counter, wanting Michael's attention so badly. I smirk at her attempt to flirt with a man who clearly wants nothing to do with her.

He is obviously on a date. Does she not realize or does she just not care?

He folds cash into the pocket and hands it back to her, not looking at her body once. He makes eye contact, nods in appreciation, and looks back down at me.

"Oh my gosh is that-?!" Michael turns to look at an excited fan as she realizes who is sitting a few tables over from her.

I am surprised it even took this long. We have been sitting here for nearly two hours.

Michael quickly pays as the girl pulls out her phone. He grabs my hand and yanks me towards the exit of the building. I guess he really just wants this night to be about us. How sweet.

"Michael, don't you think she wanted a picture?" I ask innocently as we near the exit.

"She was going to call the paps." He pushes the doors open to reveal a sea of flashing lights surrounding us.

"You don't know that-" I stop speaking. They must have followed us here. There is no way that girl was able to get them here this fast. It is just impossible.

"Ready?" I ask, looking back at Michael who has become a statue in the doorway.

"For what?" He looks slightly concerned about what I am about to do.

I lean down and peel my shoes off. Grabbing Michael's hand, I push through the crowd of men and women. I run along the cold pavement, Michael following close behind me.

I pick up my speed, hoping I do not trip and fall on my face in order to lose these guys.

I turn around a corner, yanking Michael behind me. Slamming him against a tree, I stand as close to him as I can go stay hidden from prying eyes. Him and I breathe heavily, trying to keep quiet is proving to be impossible after sprinting.

Shouting voices echo around us. They are getting closer, I look up at Michael and press myself further against him, wanting desperately not to get caught.

His eyes sparkle in this light. Though it is dark out, his eyes seem to shine and shimmer in the darkness around us. It really is quite beautiful to look at.

The voices slowly disappear as they search for us around every corner, falling each time. We are perfectly hidden, blending in to the darkness the trees are providing.

Michael looks down and smiles. "This was fun." He whispers, not wanting to speak full volume just in case anyone is still lurking around behind us.

"Was?" I ask. "It still is fun." I peel myself away from him, placing my hand on his stomach to peer around the side of the tree. "I think we lost th-"

Michael pulls my face into his, smashing his lips on to mine, disrupting my thought mid-sentence.

I pull away, in shock.

"I am sorry. Tonight is fun." He corrects himself.

"That was a pretty forward way to say 'thank you for saving me from being flattened like a pancake on the sidewalk.' A simple 'thank you' would work." I laugh, trying to not be awkward.

Who am I kidding though. That was awkward. I am awkward.

"You know, I had a thought." Michael smiles.

"What is it?" I ask, wondering if he wants to start being nicer to everyone else.

"Maybe we could try this whole thing different that we expected." He shrugs, hoping I like his idea

"I am not sure I am following." I laugh. Where is he going with this?

"You are here to pretend to be my girlfriend as soon as we walk outside, right?" He says.

"Yeah. I am still not understanding." If Michael is suggesting some sort of dirty game, I am not interested. I am here strictly for business.

"Well what if you weren't pretending?" Michael shrugs again.

"Michael." I laugh softly.

"Sorry. Sorry. This is crazy I know. And sudden. Wow I'm an idiot. First a date and then a kiss and now-" I stop him from finishing his thought.

"What has gotten in to you?" I smile and giggle to myself. "You are like a completely different person. This is not the person I was hired to help." I shake my head slightly.

"I feel different when I am around you." Michael admits. "And now I think I might throw up."

"I am not saying no, Michael. I do appreciate this. All of it. I do. But I think we need to take this whole thing one day at a time." I try to console him. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings by laughing at him.

"Okay." Michael says.

"Please don't be upset. We just met and I think things are too new and interesting right now to make any decisions like this. It is new for both of us and we need to get our feet planted before we do anything serious." I explain myself further.

I pull on his tie, forcing him to lean down. I cup his cheek in by hand and kiss his other cheek softly. "Tonight was fun. Thank you for dinner."


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