Chapter Thirty- Three

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Michael parks the car on the side of the road. After looking around to make sure no one has followed us, he motions for me to get out and follow him.

"Come here." He grabs my hand and pulls me in to the grassy area. Down below, I can see a body of running water flowing. He pulls me in front of him. "Straight down that way."

I walk slowly, my flats sinking in to the mud. I lean down and peel them off, tossing them to the side under a tree. They will only get in my way if I keep them on.

I dodge a series of branches and pull my leg out of bushes as they seemly jump out at me from nowhere.

Michael helps push me up as large rocks block our pathway. He pulls me over the other side and plants me firmly back on my feet.

Taking a large step, I misplace my foot and I slip in the mud and land on my butt, a shriek escaping my lips. Michael lifts me and places his hands on my hips to steady me as we continue walking. Great. Now I am going to be covered in cold, wet mud for the rest of the time we are out here.

"Where are we going?" I ask. It seems as if we have been walking forever and we still have not gotten to where he wants us to be.

"Down here." Michael takes the lead and pulls me along behind him. He jumps down off a small cliff in the dirt and holds his hands up. "Come on. I'll catch you."

I shake my head. "That is way too far. I'll break my ankle." I protest.

Michael laughs. "Not if I catch you."

"If?" I clarify.

"I mean- just jump, Daniella. I won't let you even touch the ground." He promises. I nod and close my eyes before jumping down, landing perfectly in his arms like he promised I would. I laugh. "See? I told you I wouldn't let you down. Now c'mon. We still have a bit to go."

He jumps over the water and reaches his hand out for mine. I leap over after him, holding on to his fingertips for support.

"Michael, my feet hurt. Are we almost there?" I whine, the arches of my feet beginning to cramp from not wearing any shoes while we hike through this area.

"We are here." He stops walking and takes a deep breath. We stand in the middle of a small clearing over the creek  there is nothing but nature here. "I come here when I need to think. It's nice and calm. And as far as I know, no one else ever comes here. No one else knows about this place. Except- now you do." He smiles and turns towards me.

"It's beautiful, Michael." I sigh, looking up at the sky through the trees.

Michael picks up a rock and throws it in to the water. The rock skips across the water, seeming to defy the rules of gravity until it finally falls in to the water with a splash.

I must see how that is even possible.

I lean down and pick up a rock of my own, throwing it in to the water like I saw him do.

The water splashes up and hits me in the face. "Well that didn't work." I mumble under my breath.

"You don't know how to skip rocks?" He asks, walking over.

I shake my head. "I didn't have much of a childhood. As far back as I can remember, I was walking the runway. I was never allowed to get dirty and have fun."

Michael shakes his head in disbelief. "That changes today." He leans down and finds a rock. "The trick is finding a good rock." He stands and shows me the one he found. "See how it is mostly flat? That's the kind of rock you want." He throws it in to the creek, earning three hops across the water. "It's all in the wrist. Now you try."

I find a flat rock and throw it in to the water, only to watch it sink pitifully. Michael lifts a new rock and places it in my hand. He positions himself behind me and places his hands on my hips. "Turn your body this way." He moves my hips until I am in the perfect position. "And then you flick the wrist. Like this." He grabs a hold of my arm and goes through the movement. "Now try it." He whispers in my ear.

With his guidance, the rock skips across the water twice. I jump up and scream, turning to face him. He wraps his arms around me and laughs. "You did it."

I smirk to myself. What would I do with myself if I left?

I lift myself up on my toes and plant my lips softly on his as a thank you. He places his hands on my face and pulls me closer.

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