Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Now, listen to me." I stand in front of Luke, Ashton, and Calum to give them very important instructions for how to act, what to say, and what to do from now on. "No one - that means none of you - talks to Daniella about the attack. Do you understand me?" I point at them. "The awards are not too far away. I do not want people looking at her funny because they know the real story. She will be shamed on live tv. I need to make up a story believable enough to cover the real story for now."

"Michael, we can't do that-" Luke begins to protest.

"No. Listen to me! Let me finish!" I shake my head. He is being very rude right now. "No one brings it up at all. Even if she is not around. And If she brings it up, change the subject. I need her to be able to relax a bit before she really has to face the reality. If we can avoid it at all costs, even better. She does not need to face this right now."

"Michael, we need to go to the police." Ashton shakes his head at my plan. He does not agree with me.

"No. I told you. No police. I did horrible things last night. The last thing Daniella needs right now is for any of us to be ripped away from her. She needs all of us to be by her side right now. We need to wait before this news breaks to the public. I will figure something out." I listen as the water upstairs turns off. Daniella is done with her shower. I need to end this conversation quickly before she hears us.

The three of them nod slowly, not wanting to agree but all knowing they have no choice but to give in to my demands.

"Okay. We will wait to tell anyone." Luke speaks for the group.

"I am glad you are taking responsibility and looking out for her so well. You are really maturing." Ashton adds. "And I am sure Daniella appreciates it as well."

The three of them disperse from the room to do their own things.

Ashton walks upstairs. Luke and Calum walk towards the kitchen.

Daniella just needs some time to recover. That much I know for a fact.

If we bombard her with the truth right now, she will surely breakdown and won't know what to do with herself. She will start to do reckless things and get herself in to more trouble.

I am trying to avoid that.

Daniella will forever be scarred by this attack. I want to make sure she is in the right mind when she learns the truth about last night. I want her thinking about it with a clear mind.

She is scared right now. I want to protect her for as long as I can.

I will wait until sometime after the awards have come and gone.

I am afraid she will be looked at strange if the media knows of her attack and the gruesome details. Cameras will follow her around.

Daniella is not used to dodging questions and avoiding making herself look worse when it comes to paparazzi slamming her.

I want her to have a good time at the awards. I do not want her to have to worry about someone coming up and asking her what happened. It will be rough enough on her with the giant mark on her face.

I have a story for that. Well, maybe. I am still working on that.


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