Chapter Seventy- Eight

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I lift my head off of the top of Daniella's and lean forward a bit to see her face. "Are you feeling well enough to go back to the bed or no?" I ask, her eyes opening.

She shakes her head.

"I think you should go lay down. I'll put a bucket next to the bed for you. Would that work?" I suggest.

"Okay." She whispers, curling herself together around her legs.

I stand myself up and grab the trash can from the corner. I dump the trash inside in to another trash bin in the room and place it next to the bed. I walk back in the bathroom to grab Daniella. She opens her arms wide like a small child as I lean down to lift her up.

I walk her in to the bedroom and lay her down in the bed. She curls up as I pull the covers over her.

Walking back in to the bathroom, I grab her brush from the counter and crawl in to bed with her. I carefully pull her hair out of the makeshift pony tail I put it in and brush the knots out.

I retie her hair and make sure it will stay out of her face the next time she feels like she needs to throw up.

I place the brush on my bedside table and lay down, curling myself around Daniella. I lift her shirt up and stick my hand underneath, drawing figure 8's on her stomach, just above her belly button. She curls her arms around mine, forcing me to stop moving my fingers.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, leaning on my free arm to see her better.

"A little better now." Daniella whispers, closing her eyes.

"Good." I kiss her cheek. "How about I go to the store and get you some ginger ale to calm your stomach?" I ask, moving closer.

She nods softly. "I love you." I laugh.

"I love you too, Dani." I kiss her cheek again and stare at her as she relaxes. "I kinda need my arm if I am going to go to the store."

"Don't leave me." She says, grabbing on tighter to my arm.

"I guess I will just have to tickle my way out." I lift my free hand.

"No no!" She squirms, eventually releasing my hand.

"Okay. I'll be right back." I smile as she finally allows me to leave. She nods again as I walk through the doorway.

"Hurry back." She mumbles under her breath as I leave.

I stand just outside the doorway and listen as she throws up again. I shake my head and sigh.

Poor Dani. I hope she starts to feel better soon.

Ashton pokes his head out of his bedroom doorway and looks in either direction down the hall. He walks out and stops right outside Daniella's room. "Everything okay in there?" He asks, peeking his head inside her room.

I stick my hand out and push him back. "Back up." I shove him back away from her room. He doesn't need to be all up in her business. She needs her privacy right now.

"Is she alright?" He asks.

"Yeah. She's just got a little morning sickness." I explain.

"What?" He asks.

"It's- I meant motion sickness- or something." I correct myself and try to find a way out of the conversation. "She's sick."

"Does she need anything?" He asks, trying to look back in the room.

"Not from you she doesn't." I shove my hand back out. "Sorry. No. I'm just getting her some ginger ale from the store."

"Okay, well, let me know if she needs anything." Ashton offers his help before walking back in to his room.

"Somehow, I don't think ginger ale will do anything." I mumble to myself as I walk down the hall.

"What was that?" Ashton asks.

"You know what? Never mind." I shake my head. "It's nothing.

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