Chapter Seventy- Two

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Everything is good again. Everything is perfect. It's just perfect right now. I hope it can stay exactly like this forever.

I have gotten my Daniella back. I am happy. I am truly happy. I have been blessed with her in my life. I realize now, more than ever, what she means to me and I am never going to let her slip through my fingers again.

She makes me so incredibly happy. I can't believe she is still willing to be with a person like me. It really blows my mind how amazing she is. She is so great.

She kept the engagement ring I gave her. She is wearing it. She looks at it and smiles every once and a while. I love the way she looks when she smiles.

By keeping the ring, I know she wants to marry me in the future. We can be happy together forever. She's going to marry me.

Life is so great right now.

We are going to get married and be together forever.

Daniella is happy with me. I am happy with her. We are really great together. I can't help but keep smiling just thinking about it.

Thinking about us, it makes me so happy. She makes me so damn happy. I love the feeling.

She makes me want to be a better person than I was before. She doesn't even have to force me to be better anymore. I want to be better. For her.

I want to be the man she has always dreamed of having in her life forever.

I want to be the guy she used to write about in her journal and day-dreamed of all day as a young girl. I need to be her forever- her escape from her reality.

I want to be her hero: her prince charming.

On top of my happiness with Daniella, I have the assurance and complete confidence that the system will work the way it is supposed to and  my step-father is going to rot in jail for what he did to me and my family.

Life is great. I have everything I could have ever wanted. I can sleep in peace tonight.

I squeeze my arms around Daniella even tighter than they already were.

She has fallen asleep in my arms. She is comfortable with me holding her. I love that. 

I love her.

I look up at the dark ceiling and smile to myself. "Thanks mum." I whisper out loud. "Thanks for always watching over me and making sure everything turned out alright."

I chuckle under my breath. I never imagined being at peace with my mother's death. I have finally come to terms with knowing I will never seeing her again.

"I miss you guys so much. All of you." I sigh. I miss them all so much. I smile.

I am happy. I finally realize that.

I haven't had this feeling in ages. Years. Nearly two decades. It has been eighteen years since my step-father took their lives. Eighteen long, drawn out years without them.

It has taken me eighteen years to find happiness and peace. Daniella has helped me find that. She has pointed me in the right direction to happiness and peace.

I truly believe Daniella was sent by my mother. How else would everything worked out so perfectly?

It just seems too perfect to be a coincidence. There are some things in this world that can not be explained. How I found Daniella is one of them. It has to be my family. My mother sent Daniella to take care of me the way she hasn't been able to all these years. Daniella is the closest thing I can hold to be holding my mum again.

I am living my best life. The best life I can be.

From this day on, I am going to be the best person I can think to be. For Daniella. For my family. I know that is what they want for me.

Everyone is watching over me. They are keeping me safe and making sure everything goes as planned. I couldn't be more grateful for having them in my life. Even if I can't see them.

My future looks bright for the first time in my life. I see myself doing great things. I see Dani in my life forever. There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. I haven't seen that light since the night my family was taken from me. It is nice to have something to work for again.

I am actually happy to wake up tomorrow morning and live. I am going to live, not just survive. I can't wait.

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