Chapter 4

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 We got to the mall and I walked close to Jinxx. There were a lot of people there and I was a little scared that the next person I would see was my mom or dad. "You okay?" Jinxx asked in my ear. I nodded, but then saw somebody looking at me. I stepped a little closer to him. I soon saw the others. They looked bored to death, then CC saw us. "JINXX! SAMMI! FINALLY SOME ENTERTAINMENT! Jinxx, do the monkey!" I thought that Jinxx would've said no, but to my surprise, he jumped forward and started doing the monkey. "Do the monkey!" Andy shouted really loud and started to along with the others.

 Sammi started cracking up and I allowed myself to smile. I wanted to laugh but of course, no sound came out. Ashley came jogging over to us while the others continued dancing. He stooped down to my height. "You must be Alex. I'm Ashley," he said, reaching his hand out. I shook it and smiled. I used sign language, hoping he would understand,' I know. I love your band.' "Thank you," he said kindly, but he was looking at Sammi a little confused. "She's mute. She hasn't spoken since she was... six?" Sammi guessed looking down at me. I nodded. "And you're how old? Eleven?" Ashley asked. I nodded. "That's five years. What caused you to go mute?" I looked over at Sammi,'You can tell him later if you want.' She nodded and looked at Ashley," Jinxx and I will tell you guys later."

 Sammi and Ash went back to dancing and cheering with everybody else. I just smiled. "Is that Alex?!?" an all too familiar voice shouted. I turned around to see this girl that I always seem to run into. Candace. "What's the slut of the city doing here at the mall?" I just stared at her. "Still not talking, huh? Ooh, I've seen you gotten fatter. And you're face still looks the same. Sorry hun. Why are you wearing a hoodie? You've been cutting again, you emo freak? Are you still too stupid to be put into school? Do you even know anything? You must be stupid, since you don't talk! I don't know why I haven't figured this out before. Maybe you should stop eating so much and pick up a book and study. Oh and I'd watch your back. Almost everyone from school are here, which means if they see you, you'll probably get beat up." "No, she won't because we're here," Jinxx said, putting his hand on my shoulder. " Oh you got five older guys now, huh?" Candace stated, smiling devilish," You definitely are a slut. How old are you, like ten?" "She's eleven. How old are you?" Jinxx questioned. "Sixteen," she called over her shoulder walking away.

 "Getting picked on by a sixteen year old," Jinxx sighed. "Are you okay, Alex?" I didn't do anything. He kneeled down in front of me. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize she was bullying you." 'It's alright. I'm used to it.' "What did she say to you?" Jinxx asked. 'Nothing, don't worry about it,' I signed. "Alex, you can tell me what she said," Jinxx assured, rubbing my arm.

 "You wanna know what I said?" Candace asked, walking back toward us. Jinxx stood up, turning around. "I told her the truth. I told her how she was getting fatter and she looks the same. I asked her if she was still cutting, because she's an emo freak. She must be stupid since she's not in school and that's probably why she doesn't speak. I told her to put down her food and pick up a book and study. Oh, and that she's a slut."

 I watched her walk into Victoria's Secret surrounded by her friends. I felt tears in the corners of my eyes. Jinxx kneeled back down, facing me. "Don't listen to her, alright? Everything she told you was wrong. Don't cry either. Don't let her win. We've all been through bullying, and it always gets better. Look at us now. We're a famous rock band. Where are our bullies? At home, looking for work. Okay? Ignore everything she said."

 "What's going on?" Sammi asked. I had just realized that there was no more singing or anything. "Is everything alright?" Jinxx looked at Sammi,"Someone just walked by and I guess she knew Alex. She was verbally bullying her and told her to watch her back. The girl is sixteen picking on an eleven year old, calling her emo and everything," Jinxx explained, sadly. Andy wrapped his arms around me," Aww." I turned around when he let go. "Let's go get pizza! That'll cheer you up!" He grabbed my hand and began sprinting to the food court. I had to pull his arm to slow him down. He laughed," Sorry. I forgot about my giant gazelle legs."

 We ordered pizza and went to find a place to sit. The second Andy set the large pizza on the table, CC attacked it. He grabbed a piece before I even knew what was going on. Jake was next, soon everyone had a piece so I grabbed one. When I finished I felt like I was going to throw up. I pointed towards the bathroom and they nodded. 

 I shut the stall door and locked it. I emptied my stomach. When I finished, I washed my face, rinsed my mouth and went back to join them at the table. "So what are we doing today?" CC asked. "Nothing," sighed Sammi," just hanging out at the mall." Jake stretched," Sounds cool. Didn't feel like doing much, anyway." "Ooh, let's go to Hot Topic!"CC shouted like a girl.  "CC, just... no,"Ashley stated shaking his head.

 "So, Alex, what do you do when you come to the mall?" Andy asked. I shook my head, telling him that I have never been to the mall. "You bum." I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled. "Well, there's an arcade. Who wants to go there?" "ME!" Jake and CC shouted as they both got up sprinting. "Okay?" Ashley confusedly said, "They hate the arcade." "No, they love it. They just hate playing games with each other," Sammi stated. "Let's go catch up," Jinxx said, getting up.

 I was about to start walking when I was lifted up and put on someone's shoulders. I couldn’t scream so I looked down and saw that it was Andy. "Ehh! Jinxx, you should've warned me first!" he shouted. "Nah." "I would chase you right now, but I got a person on my shoulders," he said, looking up at me. "How do you like the view?"he asked. I smiled down at him and he laughed.

 We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and playing. On some occasions I did almost laugh or scream, but I couldn't. I don't know why. We had pizza again and once again, I threw it up... again. When it was time to leave, I became sad but I didn't argue. I buckled up in the back as Jinxx pulled out of the parking space. "So Alex, we understand that today wasn't crazy fun or anything. We just didn't want to mislead you, by showing that we are just crazy fun people 24/7," Jinxx exclaimed. Sammi turned to look at me smiling sheepishly," I know its only been a day, but will you be ours?" she asked in one breath. I smiled at her and nodded. "Yay!"

 We got to the orphanage and Jinxx let me out of the car. "We'll be here to pick you up at ten, okay? Then we have to head to the airport because we need to head back home. We have a concert coming up." I gave him the okay sign and he smiled down at me. I began walking up the brick steps up to the front door as Jinxx got back in the car. "See you tomorrow, Alex," Sammi cheered as they drove away. I smiled knowing my life was about to change, and I hoped it was for the better.

~ Hey guys how do you like it? Sorry I took so long! Please comment or like! :D

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