Chapter 31

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   Sloppy. Joes... CC's sloppy joes. I smiled as they put it in front of me. It was a small bowl and a few fries. I ate as much as I could and threw the rest away before going upstairs.  I laid on the bed and grabbed a random book and began reading. Go figure. It would be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I just continued reading until somebody walked in and sat next to me. I didn't look to see who it was. "Alex?" It was Jake. "Hi," I said. "What's up?"  "The sky."   "Smartass," he chuckled. I looked at him and smiled. "I like your new look."   "Thanks."   "I was sent up here by the others," he said.   "Why?" I asked with a little laugh.   "You start school tomorrow."   I felt my smile leave my face. "R-really?" I asked.   "Yeah," he said with a sad nod. "They already had you enrolled and they got all of your supplies, but they were afraid to tell you. We all were. But you need to know. Julian is in your grade, though."   "But.. what if it's just like before?" I asked, whispering.   "Don't worry," he said, rubbing my back. "You'll be fine. Just go there and be yourself."   I sighed and nodded. "Alright."   "Thank you," he said, poking my nose. "Make sure you get some sleep. They'll wake you up in the morning."   "Okaaaay," I said, closing my book. I looked at the clock. Eight. I had time.   "See you tomorrow," he said, kissing my forehead.  He got up to leave when I remembered something. I jumped up and hugged him. "I'm sorry I missed your birthday," I said.   "Hey, it wasn't your fault," he said, bending down so we were at the same level. "It doesn't matter to me, anyways. Ask any of the guys, I hate my birthday. It means your one year closer to death."   "I just feel bad," I said, looking at him.  "Well don't," he said, ruffling my hair. "See ya."  "Bye, Jake," I said. He smiled and walked out.

  I went to my laptop and brought it to my bed. Once it was started, I figured I'd write in my diary.

Hiya.   It's been a while, hasn't it?   I know, and I'm sorry.   There's just a lot goin' on.  I'm not sure when my last entry was and what I said, so I'm just gonna guess and tell you stuff. Sorry if you already heard it.  I'm twelve now!  Yeah, my birthday passed.   I got a lot of stuff from everybody.  I feel spoiled lmao  We put purple into my hair and I got a lip piercing.  I'm also dating Julian...

 Now, bad things.  I was kidnapped... By my parents and little sister.  I didn't know I had a little sister.  Well... I guess to sum it up... I was raped, beaten, and tortured for two weeks. Then I was found by BVB.  I wanted to go mute, but then we went on stage and I couldn't stop myself from singing.  We did Sweet Blasphemy and Coffin.  Oh, wait.  You didn't know about this yet. Julian and I also perform with BVB often, all because we were caught singing Savior together. Um, right after the latest concert, I broke. Julian and I were fighting because I wanted to kill myself.  Like, legit, I even grabbed a blade and was about to end it all until Julian saved me.  I also met Jayy and Dahvie, from BOTDF.  Umm, today I spent the day with Jinxx.  We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two.  I got my hair dyed again.  This time, though, it's purple, blue, and a little black.  In other words, it's AWESOME.  And I got snake bites.  I don't know what else to say, really.  I have a broken arm.  Ooooh yeah. I made a new friend today. Her name is Skylar. I saw she had scars and I hugged her and that's how we became friends.  And.. hmm..  I start school tomorrow. -_-   I just found out.  Well that should be fun. I don't want to kill myself anymore :D But I'm still depressed D: Oh well, what can ya do?  I'm going now.  Bye..  - Alex

  I closed out of that and played my music. I turned it up as loud as it could so I can sing along without them hearing me. I started dancing around in the middle of the floor because I felt like it. When it was nine, I stopped dancing and went to my closet. I pulled out clothes for school. I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a BVB shirt. I also set out a BVB hoodie and my black tennis shoes.  I sat on my bed and thought about school. I was in ninth grade now. High school. Yeah, I know. Twelve years old and a ninth grader? I started a year earlier because my parents wanted me out of the house and then I skipped a grade. Yeah.. Well, I was scared to be in high school. I heard it was a lot worse than middle.. I didn't want to worry about that so I shook my head and began dancing again until about ten. Then I laid down and fell asleep. 

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