Chapter 15

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 "No, CC, that's not what I meant," I heard Jinxx say. "I'm glad that we adopted her. I love her, Sammi loves her, you all love her. She's happier. That's all good. What I'm saying is that maybe she's in more danger now. Her dad already got to her. She said that he said that next time, she won't survive." "I understand," Andy said, and I heard in his voice that he was in deep thought. "But, at the same time, she's also in less danger. Understand? There, she was alone. She was bullied and everything. That one guy was the only one there for her, right? Well, now she has all of us to protect her. I think she's more safe here than before. The only thing that puts her in more danger is the fact that they know she's here." "Andy's right," Jake said. "What happened was an accident. We didn't think. Now that we know, it'll be easier to keep her safe. Don't worry, Jinxx. She'll be okay." "I hope you're right," Jinxx sighed. "Shut up," I groan, covering my ears. "I'm tryin' to sleep." I heard them all laugh before I was picked up and spun around. I screamed and started fighting back. "WHOEVER YOU ARE PUT ME DOWN!" "Geez," Andy said and I was put back on my feet. "You freaked out." I stuck my tongue out at him. The bus jerked to a stop and I fell down. "OOF!" They all surrounded me and laughed. "Are. You. Okay?!" CC managed out.

 The bus door opened up and I walked out before them, pretending to me angry. Truth was, I couldn't be angry. "Aw, we're sowwy," Ashley said, picking me up in a spinning hug. "It's okay," I said like a baby when he put me down. Out of nowhere, I got a feeling that somebody was watching us. I started playing with my hands, like always. Andy gave me a worried look but I just looked down. "Let's get inside," Jinxx said. I stayed close to him as we made our way into the building. "I'll be right back," Andy said, jogging over to the manager. "What is he doing?" Ashley asked himself.

  Soon, Andy came back. "What was that all about?" "I was telling Jon to get one of the security to watch her," he said, pointing to me. "It's best that there's somebody else watching her, because I don't want Sammi getting hurt either."  "Thank you," Sammi and I said, then laughed.

  I spent the rest of the time while they were preparing for the concert sleeping. I curled up in the corner and went to sleep. I woke up with someone pulling my hair and covering my mouth. I opened my eyes, startled, and saw that it was my dad. "Hey there, princess." I fought back as much as I could, but it wasn't enough. He picked me up and started to run away. My foot got him in the face and he dropped me. I didn't wait a second before calling for help. "SOMEBODY! HELP ME!" "You're talking?" my father asked, shocked. "HEY!" somebody shouted. I saw about four security guards come running in. "How did you get in here? We were standing guard the whole time." "Son of a bitch," my dad muttered. He looked around, probably for a place to run, but there was no where to go. He put his hands up and two security guards grabbed him. "Hey, you're that prison escapee," one said. "Let's go. Rick, stay with the girl, alright?" "Alright," Rick said. He sat down on the ground next to me. "Hey. Are you alright?" "I-I'm fine," I said, looking down. That's when I realized that the concert had started. "How long have they, um, been playing?" "A while. They should be over soon," he said, standing up. "Come on, let's go out there. They need to know what happened so we'll just stand by the side of the stage." "Okay," I said quietly. I got up and walked right behind.

  We stopped at the side. Andy was talking so everyone else was just screwing around. Jinxx saw me and stopped. I guess he saw how worried I was. He began to sign to me. 'Are you alright?' 'Yeah, I'm fine. The security guards caught my dad. He tried to take me while I was sleeping, but I didn't get hurt.' 'Do you want us to stop the show?' 'No, don't do that.' "Well, looks like Jinxx was too busy signing to his adopted daughter. He wasn't paying much attention was he?" Andy said sarcastically. I looked up and he smiled at me. Jinxx rolled his eyes. "Come on out here, Alex." I took a few steps out and smiled at everyone. Before I walked out any further, Jinxx was by my side. "Are you sure you didn't get hurt?" he asked seriously. "Yeah, I'm sure. It just scared me a little, but I was able to scream. Security was guarding the doors, so they don't know how he got in," I explained. "What's goin' on?" Andy asked. 'Tell you later,' I signed. He nodded and motioned for me to come over. "Remember how I told you Alex was mute?" Andy asked the crowd. "Well, she's talking now! Say hi Alex." He put the microphone in front of me. "Hi," I said in a small voice. Everybody in the audience cheered for me. "Well, Alex is going to be on stage with us for this last song. PERFECT WEAPON!" They started the song and Andy screamed, like he's suppose to. Then after the screaming, where he doesn't sing yet, he grabbed my hand and began to spin me. He had to stop when the words came in.

  I started singing along to myself and Andy took the microphone and started running around the stage. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along. "GO! GO! GO! GO! AND NOW YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN GO! GO! AND LEAVE US ALONE!" Andy screamed, then handed me the microphone. I looked at him like he was crazy and shook my head. He nodded and we kept doing that until it was time for the words to come in. So, I sang. "We are breathing, While your sleeping, go! And leave us alone, The liars cheating, Our heart's beating, go! And now you're on your own." The crowd erupted into cheers and Andy spun me around happily. When he put me back on my feet, I fell onto my butt because I was dizzy. He just laughed. "SEE ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS NEXT TIME!" With that, he picked me up and dragged me off of the stage.

  "I hate you!" I shouted. "Aw, you know you love me," he said. "Shut up," I said, laughing. I was blushing like crazy. "Never do that to me again." "ALEX!" Sammi shouted. I turned around just in time to be tackled into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I don't know how he got in. I was talking to Jon." "What?" CC, Andy, Jake, and Ashley all questioned. "Her dad got in," Jinxx said. "Security got him and everything, though. She said nothing happened because she screamed." Everybody came in for a big group hug. They held on for too long. "Um, guys, I'm getting a little claustrophobic." "Sorry," they all said, laughing, and pulling away. I yawned. "Can we go home?" "HOME!" Andy shouted, running out of the building. "Well okay then," Ashley said.

  Ash grabbed my hand and we ran out after him. He dragged me onto the bus and I jumped onto CC. "AHH!" he shouted, falling back onto the couch. I just laughed. "GET OFF!"  "Nah," I said, and he started tickling me. I broke out into uncontrollable laughter and everybody joined in on the tickling. "Okay, okay, okay, I'll get off!" Everyone stopped and I jumped off the couch and onto the floor. "Let's watch a movie," Jake said. I didn't know he brought a movie, or that there was a dvd player. Oh well. He stuck The Lion King in and we shut the lights off. We all laughed in a row on the floor and watched the movie. I was asleep during the beginning song.

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