Chapter 7

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We were on the road, Jinxx looked at me through the rearview mirror," So Alex, have you ever been on an airplane?" I shook my head. "Well, we're about to be on one. Are you scared?" Again, I shook my head. "Ok, thats good," he smiled at me.I smiled back.

No one spoke as we boarded the plane. There were four seats in each row, I sat by the window with Sammi next to me, Jinx next to her and Andy next to him. CC was in front of me with Jake and Ashley. "I wanted the window seat!" Ashley whined. "I always sit by the window," CC proclaimed, buckling his seatbelt. Ashley turned to me and smiled at me. I smirked and buckled in. "Woah, she told you, Ash," Jake chuckled. Ashley just scoffed at me and turned around," I'm going to sleep. NO ONE wake me up, understand?" Ashley stated. We all nodded and he smiled," Good."

Everybody else followed his lead and went to sleep. I was the only one left awake, I couldn't sleep. I hugged my knees, looking out the window. I hated being mute, I couldn't talk to anyone. It took longer to have normal conversations because I  would have to use sign language or write it out, for those who didn't know sign language. You know what, I'm going to try to speak. RIGHT NOW.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth, I was about to say something but my jaw went slack. I kept trying, nothing was coming out. "What are you doing?" Andy asked, sleepily. 'Do you know sign language?' He looked confused," Um, let me get you some paper." He stood up and went through his bag, pulling out a notebook and a pencil. I watched as he zipped it up and closed the overhead compartment. He leaned over Jinxx, handing it over. I turned to a blank page.

I want to speak, but I can't.

I handed the notebook back. Andy took a moment to read,"Why can't you?" he whispered, trying not to wake everyone up.

I don't know. Everytime I try, I feel like I can't move my jaw and I can't make any noise. I'm tired of being mute, Andy.

"Just give yourself some time," he said, looking at me. "I'm sure you'll be able to speak eventually." 'Thanks,' I signed. He thought for a moment and signed back,' You're welcome.' He leaned back, closing his eyes.

I grabbed the notebook and decided to doodle, I began sketching random things. I sketched a graveyard, people. I know, nothing exciting, but it made time fly. Before I knew it, we were landing. "Whatcha drawing there?" Jake asked, making me jump. I flipped the notebook around showing him the graveyard. "That's cool, Alex. I didn't know you could draw." I shrugged. "Hey can you wake Ashley up? I'm scared to."

'Wimp,' I signed to him and he looked at me confused. I got up and slid past Sammi, Jinxx and Andy. They were still asleep and tiptoed up to Ashley. I shook his shoulder and he jumped up, swinging out a fist making me jump backwards out of habit. He opened his eyes," Whoops sorry," he said, yawning. I smiled, letting him know it was okay. Jake, Ashley and I woke up the others and got off the plane. We grabbed our things and were walking out to their cars. "You ready?" Sammi asked me. I nodded and she smiled, leading me to the car. I had a gut feeling the I was being watched. When I got to the car, I opened the door looking around. 

I couldn't believe who I saw...

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