Chapter 26

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I was just about to run when my phone went off. I had a text. 

Wasn't that fun? Next time, don't pour water on them and they won't tickle you like that.

I took a deep breath and showed it to Jinxx. I started looking around for where anyone could be. How did they know? They had to be somewhere close so they'd be able to see inside. "That's it, I'm calling the police," Jinxx said. I heard my phone ringing. "Um, Alex? You got a phone call." Somehow, I knew it was from mystery person. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello?" "Hi, Alex," I heard my dad say. I dropped my phone. "Oh my God," I said, covering my mouth. Jinxx picked up the phone and put it on speaker. "So, all of you are there. I'll make this simple. Give me my daughter and no one, except her, will get hurt," my dad stated. I turned away from them and hid my face. "I know Alex, so she'll come. I'm actually in front of her. Just walk forward and I'll be there." I looked up and was just about to walk when someone grabbed my arm. "You're staying here," Andy said. I turned back to them and looked at Sammi. I signed so that my dad couldn't see. 'Call the police and give them hints about everything without showing that you're on the phone. I know my dad and he won't realize anything.' Sammi gave a slight nod but made it look like nothing. I turned back to where my father was and looked around. I still couldn't see him. "Alex, quit tryin' so hard. Just come to me and we'll leave and none of your new friends will have to get hurt." "Alex, do not move," Andy said, tightening his grip a little on me. I felt Julian take my hand and I looked at him. He looked at me and nodded a little. I knew he was trying to tell me that Sammi had called the police. "I don't want you guys getting hurt," I said quietly, yet loud enough for the police on the phone to hear. "My dad is here for me, not you guys." "Alex, that's the point. He should be in jail for abusing you. Him and your mother. That's where they were," Sammi said. "You're wasting your time," my dad said. "Alex made up her mind already. Let her go and we'll be out of your lives for good." "Alex," Sammi said. I turned to look at her. I could tell by her look that she was trying to tell me something. "Don't even try because you won't get very far with all of us here." I studied her face. She was trying to tell me that the police were on there way. I turned back to where my dad was. "Why do you want me?" I asked. "And has it been you sending me those anonymous messages?" "Because you belong to me, little slut," he said. "And I only sent you the one you got a few minutes ago. No other ones." "I belong here with my new family," I said, clenching my fists.

It scared me a little when he said he hasn't been sending the other messages. I started to feel like how I did before the concert. I looked at Andy. I think he saw that I was a spacey because he nodded and made me sit down. "What's goin' on over there?" my dad asked. I saw three cars pull up in front of us and policemen got out. They looked around and one started running. I heard my dad over the phone and it sounded like he was running, too. Great. Andy felt my forehead before going into the house. Somebody else pulled me to my feet and helped me inside. I sighed and went into the kitchen. Andy was wetting a cloth. When I got to him, he put it on the back of my neck. "You okay?" "Yeah. Just a little freaked out that my HE would be stalking us," I said, resting my head on his arm. "Go lay down, okay? You have a fever again," he said. I nodded and went upstairs, but I didn't want to sleep.

I played my music and grabbed my violin. I just wanted to play for some reason, and that's what I did. I put The Morticians Daughter on replay and I just played it over and over and over again. Guess what I started doing? Yup, that's right. I started singing along with it.

I open my lungs dear,

I sing this song at funerals, no rush.

These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush.

Baby boy you've held so tightly, this pain it visits almost nightly.

Missing hotel beds, I feel your touch.

I will await dear,

A patience of eternity, my crush.

A universal still, no rust.

No dust will ever grow on this frame,

One million years, I will say your name.

I love you more than I can ever scream.

Booked our flight those years ago,

I said I love you as I left you.

Regrets still haunt my hollow head,

I promised you, I will see you again.


I sit here and smile dear.

I smile because I think of you, I blush.

These bleeding hollow dials, this fuss.

Fuss is made of miles and travels when roadways are but stones and gravel.

 A bleeding heart can conquer every grudge.

Booked our flight those years ago,

You said you loved me as you left me.

Regrets still haunt your saddened head but I promised you, I will see you.

We booked our flight those years ago,

I said I loved you and I left you.

Regrets no longer in my head,

But I promised you and now I'm home again, again, again, again, again, again.

I'm home again.

After a while, I set my violin down and walked to my window, opening it up. I sat on the windowsill and just stared at the sky. I loved looking at the sky. Then, I heard someone. "Hey!" I looked down and saw a little girl. "Can you come down here pwease?" I nodded and went back into my room. I ran down the steps and went to the door. "Where're you going?" Jinxx asked. "There's a little girl outside," I said, opening the door and walking out. I went to where the girl was and bent down a little so we were the same height. "Hello. What's your name?" "Olivia Chambers," she said. My eyes went wide. "Did you say Chambers?" "Yes. You're my sister, Alexandria, aren't you?" she asked. "Um, that is my name," I said, confused. "My mommy said to come get you to take you home so come on," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward. "Wait, Olivia," I said, stopping her. She turned to look at me with those sweet eyes. They looked just like mine, only more innocent and perfect. Her hair was just like mine, minus the purple. I could see that we were related. But how? "Where is your mom?" "In the van ova there," she said, pointing to a van across the street. "Olivia, I'm not going.""But our mommy said to!" she shouted, squeezing my hand as hard as she could, which wasn't hard since she was only like five. "Olivia, no. I have a new mommy and daddy now, and I'm staying here. Where did you even come from?" I asked, pulling my hand away and backing up a little. "I was in a home with a lot of oter kids like me for a few years," she said. "Mommy and daddy said that they had to put me there because they couldn't take cawe of me. Then they came to that home yestaday and took me out of the window." I shook my head. "They took you illegally. They're can't do that. Olivia, they're suppose to be in prison." "NO MY MOMMY AND DADDY ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE IN PWISON!" she screamed. "NOW COME ON, MOMMY IS WAITING!" "Olivia, I'm not going," I said, walking backwards only to bump into something. I turned and saw that it was my dad. I screamed and he slapped his hand over my mouth before picking me up. I started kicking and fighting as he carried me to the van. I looked up to the window just as Andy looked. He saw me and jumped up, running out the door, followed by the others. But they were too late. I was thrown into the back of the van, followed by my dad and Olivia. The door was shut and my mom sped off. Just wonderful…

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