Chapter 2: Surprise?

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                                                                       *Liam's POV*

I walked down to the back of the bus to see what the little "surprise" in our beds was. At the same time Harry, Niall and myself all gasped and screamed. "RYAN!" Ryan came running with Zayn, Louis, Perrie and Eleanor. He was laughing. "Why is there a girl I don't know in my bed!?" I asked annoyed. "Come have a seat in the lounge." Ryan said guiding us all over to the lounge. We sat down and he explained everything that had happened and how worried we looked. "Well the girl in my bed kind of looked like she was gonna rape me.." Harry said shrugging. "Well lets meet these girls! Call em out here one by one Ryan!" Louis said smiling. He was enjoying it. This is all too weird for me. What if there killers? Or work for the paparazzi. Ryan could be jeopardizing our whole careers just because he wants to be funny. Ryan smiled. "Okay we will start with the girl in your room Harry.... JACKIE, SWEETIE COME ON OUT HERE AND MEET YOUR IDOLS!" he shouted and moments later she came walking out with a huge grin on her face.. quite scary. "Hiya boys." she said taking a seat next to Harry. She was short with medium length blonde hair. Her eyes were really pretty though. We all said hello back. "Well, Jackie.. hope you like my bed." Harry said winking at her. She smiled and looked like she was gonna die. "I wanna meet the one in my bed!!!" Niall said happily. "Brianna! Come on out!" Ryan shouted. And a much taller girl with long black hair and brown eyes came walking out. She had the biggest smile ever on her face. She took a seat right next to Niall. "I am such a huge fan.. especially of you Nialler!" she said and Niall began to blush. "AWEE! SOMEONE IS A NIALL GIRL!" Louis shouted. We all giggled. And then Zayn turned to Jackie. "Are you a Harry girl?" he asked. "Yeah.. definitely!!" she said happily and her and Brianna swapped weird looks. Hm, guess its time to meet the one in my bed. I don't really know what she looks like. I just saw hair and rushed out. "BRITTNEY GET YOUR UGLY ASS OUT HERE!" Jackie shouted. "YEAH, YA RATCHET HOE." Brianna added in. That's not very nice. Why would she call her friend ugly? And what is a "ratchet hoe" ? I don't understand Americans... Then a girl with long brown hair and greenish blue eyes came walking into the room shaking her head. "I hate you guys." she mumbled before taking a seat next to Ryan. She's pretty. "You have pretty eyes girl!" Perrie said smiling at her. Then she smiled back and said thanks. "WOAH! YOU HAVE DIMPLES!" Louis shouted. "Yeah, I have 3." she said laughing. Louis was poking her face. "Sooo, Brittney who is your favorite?" Niall asked. She looked frustrated and then shrugged her shoulders. "I can't decide. You are all like perfect." she said smiling. "I LIKE THIS ONE!" Louis said laughing. "Yeh, me too!" Zayn said with a smile.

                                                                          *Brittney's POV*

After we all talked for a bit. Everyone decided they wanted to go out. I wasn't really feeling like it. And besides they were taking us back home in the morning. It was nice of them to hangout with us and all of that though. This is by far the best day of my life. "I'm not going, I am tired. Just wanna watch some TV." Liam said taking a seat on this long couch. Everyone just nodded. I walked up to him and took a seat next to him. He looked over at me confused. "You gonna wear nothing but my t shirt to the club?" he asked. "Well.. I don't want to bother you, but I was wondering if I could just stay back here and chill out with you. I don't really feel like hitting up any clubs tonight..." I said. I didn't want to be a bother. "Oh, no problem."  We sat there on opposite ends of the couch watching TV. We both said bye to everyone as they left. "Have fun here, don't be mean to my little Liam!" Harry said pinching Liam's cheeks. We both just laughed. Liam looked a little aggravated.

                                                                       *Liam's POV*

I was alone on this bus with this girl Brittney who I barely know. She seems nice though. I got up and grabbed a blanket. She looks cold. What the hell. Might as well share the blanket with her. I took a seat. "Brittney, you look cold, come over her and cuddle under this blanket babe." I said nicely. It would be hours before the boys would return. Its only 10 now. They won't be back until like 3 or 4. She listened and scooted over. It was awkward. Our legs were touching. She looked so tense. "Loosen up, I don't bite!" I said smiling. She smiled back. That's when I saw it. Her smile. It really is beautiful. We continued watching the TV.. About an hour later it was around 11 ish and she was getting tired. She put her head on my shoulder closing her eyes. I gently moved her head off of me and stood up. This couch isn't comfortable. I will let her sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch. I quickly scooped her up bridal style and carried her off into my room. I gently placed her down in the bed and she wouldn't let go of me.. She clung on. "Pleasee don't go." she groaned. I tried again to let her down. But it wasn't working so I just laid down myself with her still holding on to me. She finally let go. And wrapped herself up with my blanket. "Brittney, if you want me to sleep here you are gonna have to share the blanket." I said softly. She opened her eyes and just stared at me. I reached over and stole some of the blankets and she continued to stare at me. "What?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Can I kiss you? I really wanna kiss you.." she said softly. I thought about it for a second and then moved over and leaned my face over to hers and softly planted a kiss on her mouth. She didn't kiss back. "Now go to bed." I said with a sudden smile coming across my face. I closed my eyes and they flung back open when I felt Brittney jump on top of me smashing her lips into mine. She pulled back for a quick minute and I smiled and she softly kissed me again. I could feel us both smiling into the kiss. She began licking my bottom lip until I allowed her to enter her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues danced until we both could no longer breathe. She pulled away with a big smile on her face. I smiled back. I don't know what it is. But there is something about this girl.. That was the best kiss I have ever had. She kissed my nose and laid beside me. "Well.. that was unexpected. But I enjoyed it." I said looking over at her. She smiled. "You are like perfect Liam, I never understood why you always went back to Danielle after all the break ups and pain she caused you." she said sweetly. I just pulled her into my body and wrapped my arms around her. "Because I didn't have you." I said as I kissed her head. WAIT, AM I DRUNK? I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GIRL. "Goodnight Liam." she said kissing my lips one last time and then cuddling up in my arms to go to sleep. After about 5 minutes she was asleep. And I could feel myself going to sleep as well.

                                                               *Brianna's POV*

Tonight was the BEST night ever!!! Oh my god. Me and Niall spent most of the night at the bar talking and getting to know each other. Harry and Jackie were mainly dancing and laughing with everyone. Niall is even sweeter in person! We all took a bunch of pictures and put them on twitter. I have 2 million twitter followers now. This is amazing. AND NIALL GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! I am flipping out on the inside. Were all in the taxi to go home now though. "Tonight was fun! You girls are pretty awesome!" Perrie said smiling at me and Jackie. "Thanks!" we both said at the same time. "Wish Brittney and Liam would have came out too, doesn't feel complete without daddy directioner!" Niall said with a faint smile. We all agreed. "I wonder what they did while we were gone!" Louis said with a grin. "Knowing Brittney she probably went to sleep, she LOVES sleep." Jackie said with a laugh. "Zayn.. I think this girl is your soul mate!" Perrie said kissing his nose.  "Well were here now, lets go see what there up too!" Niall said helping me out of the taxi. We walked in the bus and they weren't in the lounge. "Where are they??" Eleanor said confused. Harry ran up smiling from the back of the bus. "THERE IN LIAMS BED. HE IS HOLDING HER AND HE ONLY HAS BOXERS ON AND SHE ONLY HAS HIS SHIRT ON. OH MY GOD! LIAM HAD SEX WITH A FAN!!!" everyone went silent. I broke the silence. "WHAT!!! BRITTNEY LOST HER VIRGINITY TO LIAM PAYNE!!!" I shouted and Niall looked up at me shocked. "SHES A VIRGIN!!!" they all said at the same time. What do they think we are sluts? "Uhm.. yeah Brianna is too. I am the only non virgin out of us 3.." Jackie said looking around. But then she winked at Harry and he laughed. The laughing and all noise stopped when Liam wobbled out of his room rubbing his head. "Why is everyone so damn loud?" he said looking around.

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