Chapter 19: Cold hearted.

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*Brittney's POV*

It's around two in the morning. Of course I'm wide awake. Eleanor's curled up with Louis, Harry with Arielle, and Zayn went to get us a coffee. Brianna finally fell asleep curled up into a ball. Even though she wakes up screaming every 10 minutes. I just want to know. I want to know what's happening. What's going on. I heard loud laughing and chattering entering the room. I turned around and saw a disappointed Zayn, walking with two coffees. "What's going on?" I asked. "Sophia's here. She's drunk and brought friends." he whispered, not trying to wake anyone up. Not that it mattered. "BOYSSS! Mamas here!" Sophia screamed entering the waiting room. "Where's my boyfriend?" she asked staring at me. "He's in a horrible condition. Sit down Sophia. He might not make it." Zayn said with a sense of pain in his voice. "I'm so damn mad at him. I planned for him to go to the new tigress club with me tonight. Wait till I see him." She grumbled. She took a seat laughing away with her friends. Why her? Why would Liam choose her? I don't think I'll ever understand. Zayn was talking to a a now wide awake Arielle. I managed to slip away from everyone, without being noticed. I opened the door up and walked into a long hallways of rooms. It was silent back here except for in one room. I went to the door hearing panic and there was blood on the floor, and on the little window of the door. What's going on? "I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING!"


All sorts of screams were coming out of the room. From everywhere. It's Liam. It has to be. He was the one who was dead on sight. There's no way they saved him and not Niall. I slouched down against the wall near the door. The shouting was still growing. I couldn't help but cry. It was pouring out of me. I lost him. Liam is gone. "I just wanted to love him, and grow old with him. I just wanted to make him feel happy. I'll never get the chance to see his smile, or corny jokes, or his suspicious face, just everything about him is perfect." I said out loud, almost in a shout. I just want to die. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a deep voice said "Britt are you okay?" I jumped up immediately. "NIALL!" I shouted, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Ouch, watch out for the ribs. But what's happening? Haven't seen a doctor for a few hours now." He said calmly. Then it hit me. It's Liam. Liam's dead. I broke down on the floor again. "Liam. He's dead. He's in that room. No one knows what to do." I was full on sobbing now. "Oh my god. Britt. I'm soo sorry." He said looking straight into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him, releasing the tears. He began crying right back. "Brittney, Liam was like my brother, I can't live without him. I WONT." He began shouting. A nurse came out the room. "BOY GET BACK IN YOUR ROOM. AND YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED BACK HERE. Get out!!!" She shouted shoving us both away.

*Brianna's POV*

Liam's girlfriend never stops talking, all day long she talks and talks and talks. I just can't deal with her. Everyone's awake now. I am in the bathroom tidying up. I look dead. Look at the circles under my eyes, every part of my face is puffy and red. I just hope he's okay. I hope Liam is okay as well. There is a louder commotion in the waiting room then before. I walked out spotting the Janoskians. "What happened? Rumors on twitter said Harry died... And Brittney? I see Harry is okay.. WHERE IS BRITTNEY?" Jai asked getting nervous. Brittney's right- wait.. Where is she? "It's Liam and Niall.. But where is Britt?" Harry asked. We all looked around. How could she just slip away like that, with no one noticing? Brittney walked out and said nothing. She just came out of the room where the boys had been taken, where the doctors and nurses ran into, to help there dying bodies. She had a blank expression on her face and she sunk down into a seat. Everyone was asking her questions. "Britt?" "Where have you been?" "What's happening?" "How are the boys?" "Is Niall okay?" "What about Liam?" She opened her mouth and gulped. A few tears came down face. "I saw him. I talked to Niall. I hugged Niall, I kissed his head. We cried in each others arms. But he survived. You don't have to be hurt anymore Bri. He's up and walking. He'll be by your side as soon as possible." I couldn't help but light up and smile at these words. The love of my life will be okay. He is okay. He isn't dead. Brittney shed another tear, not saying a word. Liam. Oh god no. I looked over at her lifeless body. Sophia just looked confused. All of the boys had tears in there eyes. They all knew what it meant. "NOO! HE CANT BE DEAD." Zayn yelled, with tears rushing down his face. "Daddy directioner can't die! He just can't. What is One Direction without Payno? This is a joke right?" Louis said, for the first time ever looking lost and broken. Harry didn't say a word. He just curled into a ball, rocking back and forth. I grew up loving these boys all 5, and now to think one of my idols, one of my saviors.. Is gone. Never coming back. I broke down again. It doesn't matter if my. Boyfriends alive. My boyfriend lost a brother, and so did I. Harry, Zayn, and Louis also lost there brother. Sophia lost her boyfriend. Andy lost his best friend. His mother and father lost there son. Directioners lost there hero, there life, there reason for living, the only person who keeps there going. And Brittney lost all of that too. He was her soulmate, even if it didn't work out at first, it would have. I know it. True love always finds away. But now Liam and Brittney will never know, what might have been.

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