Chapter 3: Shut up

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*Liam's POV*

I woke up to this Brittney girl still wrapped up in my arms. It made me smile. But the real reason I woke up is because of all the shouting and noise coming from the front of the bus. I'm the grouchiest person ever when I'm tired. I gently got out of bed without waking Brittney up. I wobbled out of my room rubbing my head. "Why is everyone so damn loud?" I said looking around. They all just stared at me. "Oh! Now nobody has anything to say!" I said walking over to get a bottle of water. Finally Louis spoke up. "Liam you did the nasty with Brittney!!" I almost choked. "No I didn't!" I said sitting down. "THEN WHAT HAPPENED WHILE WE WERE GONE!!" Jackie said running up and sitting across from me. There annoying. Always assuming things. I let out a grunt. "Well if you guys must know. We watched TV, and she fell asleep and I brought her to my bed, I said I would sleep out here but she asked me to stay. So I stayed and we actually slept. NOTHING serious!" I said laughing. They all looked saddened. "Oh." was all any of them said. "Yeah, so excuse me while I go back to sleep. Goodnight assholes." I said pissed off and walked back into my room. Brittney was still sound sleep. I lifted up the covers and climbed into bed. She let out a few grunts and flopped over so she was facing me. Her face was scrunched up and she looked annoyed. "Brittney? I'm sorry did I wake you?" I whispered softly. She opened her eyes and mumbled "No.. All the screaming woke me up. And I can't fall back asleep because its freezing in here." She looks miserable. I just smiled at her and brought her back into my body. She nuzzled her face into my chest and intertwined are legs together. I had my arms wrapped around her tightly. "Liam?" she whispered softly against my chest. "Yes?" "Can you please make sure they don't wake me up or mess with me in the morning?" I let out a light giggle. "Yeh, go to sleep babe." She smirked up at me and kissed my nose. Moments later she was knocked out again.

*Jackie's POV*

Me, Bri, Harry and Niall were hanging out in the lounge. Everyone else went to bed. I want to get some tonight. I don't even care! "Soo, where are me and Brianna sleeping?" I said winking at Harry. "Well, I need to sleep alone. Because of my bad back.. but Niall?" Harry said with a frown. "Oh, uhm yeah someone can sleep in my bed! And then the other can sleep on the couch out here. Or never mind you both can take my bed, and I'll take the couch." Niall said with a smile. I don't believe Harry has a bad back. Just a load of garbage. We both smiled and kissed them both on the cheeks and walked into Niall's room. I laid down next to her and she rolled her eyes. "Since when did Harry have a bad back?" exactly!! I frowned. "Honestly! I don't even know. Like that's a horrible lie. But whatever. In the morning were gonna get them high as fuck!" I said with a huge smile. She smiled too. "I forgot you brought that!" How could I forget it. This was the best night ever and tomorrow will be the best day ever. Blazing it up with my idols!

*Harry's POV*

"Bad back? Really Harry?? What was that about?" Niall asked looking confused. "I just didn't want anything to happen.. I mean Jackie is great but she seems a little frisky.. and I don't know her enough to do anything with her." Niall nodded. "Yeh! I understand where you're coming from Harry. Brianna seems more shy. And I can't believe her and Brittney are virgins!" That is unbelievable. "Id like to get to know Brittney, she seems nice! But yeah, its crazy! There pretty girls too. But c'mon Niall you can sleep in my bed." Niall nodded and followed me into my room. He was asleep almost instantly.

*Louis's POV*

I am the first one awake! Now I can prank the others. Well besides Eleanor and Perrie. They wanted to do some shopping and exploring while we are still in buffalo. I snuck into Zayn's room, he was already up on his phone. I'm guessing Perrie made him get his lazy ass up early today. "C'mon Zaynie! Lets prank the others." He smiled and grabbed his water gun. "Ahhh! Lets squirt them. Good idea Zayn!!" We both ran to the bathroom and filled up the guns. Zayn went into Harry's room to get Harry and Niall and I went to get the girls. At the same time we screamed "FIRE!" And squirted at them. They all were screaming and flipping out!

*Liam's POV*

"FIRE!" I jumped out of my bed waking Brittney up. I ran to my door and locked it quickly. "What are you doing? Is there a real fire?" she asked rubbing her eyes. I laughed a little. "Nope, I'm guessing Zayn and Louis just pulled a little prank on the others.. squirting them with water guns. Wanted to lock the door before they came in here." There was shouting and screaming all outside of my room. Brittney sat up and ran her fingers through her long brown hair. "Well, looks like I won't be getting anymore sleep. So goodmorning Liam." she said with a little smile. "Goodmorning Brittney." I put some basketball shorts on over my boxers. Then took a pair of gray sweats and tossed them to Brittney. "Put those on, your legs look cold." She smiled and put the pants on. They were big on her but she looked cute. "Do you wanna go out there and get some tea?" I asked noticing that things seemed calmed down. She nodded. We walked out of the room and everyone was sitting around the table laughing. "You missed it! We got them sooo good!!" Louis said with a huge smile. They all looked pissed. They were still all drenched. "Sucks, huh?" Zayn said grinning. Jackie smiled. "There's only one way I will forgive you guys!" Zayn raised his eyebrows. "And what is that?" Brianna smiled too and looked over at Brittney who looked confused. "SOME SOME MARIJUANA WITH US! I got the stuff." Jackie said running off to get her bag. Well Zayn and Louis looked happy. I've never smoked before.. Don't think I wanna start. "I'm gonna go watch some tv. You guys have fun." Harry said leaving the room. Jackie returned and began passing a water bong around the room. It got to me and I laughed. "What the hell am I supposed to??" I asked. "THATS WHAT I'M SAYIN!" Niall said laughing. The only one who knew were the girls, Zayn and Louis. Brittney came over and showed me. It was kind of cute. But weird. It only took 3 hits and I was high, well I think I was high. Jackie started passing around a few blunts as well.. "You girls came prepared!" Zayn said smiling. Brittney stood up with a blunt in her mouth and walked out to where Harry was watching tv. "Brittney gets horny when she's high.. oh lord! Harry better be careful." Brianna said laughing. Jackie joined in too.

*Harry's POV*

Brittney walked in with something hanging out of her mouth. She sat down next to me. "Why'd ya leave?" she asked looking straight into my eyes. "Just didn't want to be around the smoke and all of that." She frowned. "Just take one hit and I'll leave you alone?" she asked with a smile. I got an idea. "One hit and will you stop? Quit for good, and stop killing your brain cells?" After a second she nodded and said "Fine, its a deal." I took the blunt from her mouth and took a hit. She smiled and took it back. She took another hit and I frowned. "You said you would quit!" But then she blew all the smoke in my face and brushed her lips against mine for a quick second. "I never break a promise." She said smiling. She stood up leaving me wanting more than a little light kiss. She walked down the hall back to the others. I heard her proudly say "I quit!" I walked into the room and she wasn't in there. "Why did she just quit?" Jackie said looking confused. "Well, we made a deal. If I took a hit she would quit." Louis sprung up at me. "HAZZA YOU SMOKED WITHOUT ME!!!!" I just smiled. "Come on Lou, just come watch a movie with me guys. I'm getting bored. They were all shocked but stopped smoking and started eating everything. Niall already eats everything but it was much worse since he was high. Brittney still wasn't around, she probably went to sleep.

*Liam's POV*

I got up without anyone noticing me leaving. I walked back into my room to find Brittney laying on my bed. She was just hanging out on her phone. "Hi Liam." she said smiling up at me. I sat down besides her. "What's up?" I said smiling back at her. "Just thinking." she said with a frown. "Bout what?" She looked up at me and shrugged. "About how were going home soon and you guys are gonna forget all about us." That's not true at all. I don't think its possible to forget these girls. There all insane. "Brittney, no were not." she leaned over and hugged me. I pulled her up so she was sitting on my lap with her legs wrapped around me. She kissed my cheek and smiled. "You're so cute Liam." she said running her hand through my hair. "You're beautiful." I said bringing are lips together. We deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth as mine explored hers. I pulled away and left little love bites on her neck. We got interrupted by loud knocking. She flew off of me and ended up on the floor. I jumped up and ran to open the door. It was Louis. "Come on Liam! AND BRITTNEY! Come watch a movie with us cool kids!" he said laughing. Then he picked Brittney up carrying her out if the room. I followed and took a seat on the couch next to Zayn. Louis tossed Brittney onto Harry's lap since there weren't any other available seats. Harry looked pleased. I suddenly got jealous. But why? I barely even know who this girl is.

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