Chapter 4: Stay

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*Brittney's POV*

Me and Liam just got interrupted by some knocking on the door. I quickly jumped off of him and was sitting on the floor. Louis busted in and scooped me up to go watch movies with them. We got into the lounge and he put me down on Harrys lap. It was kind of awkward sitting on his lap. Everyone was watching a movie I didn't recognize. Niall stood up and quietly said "I want some ice cream." I jumped up off of Harry and ran after him. Brianna followed too. "You girls want some too?!" Niall said looking at us with a smile. Brianna nodded. "Brittney?" he said looking at me. I shook my head and went to the fridge. He took out two bowls, one for himself and one for Brianna. I opened the fridge until I found what I was looking for. Pickles. I took the jar and set it on the table and took a seat. Niall and Brianna went back to the lounge with there ice cream. I was sitting down happily eating a pickle when Zayn, Harry and Liam came and had a seat at the table with me. "You like pickles, yeh?" Zayn said watching me eat. I stopped eating and smiled. "Yep. I love them." Harry smiled at me. "Well.. me and the lads have been thinking and Brittney? How would you like to come back to England with us tomorrow and stay in our flat for a few months with us..? We all think you're really cool! But we only have 1 guest bedroom.." Harry said smiling at me. Wait.. So I'm the only one there inviting? "Why me??? Why not Jackie or Brianna??" I asked confused. "Well, we all think there great as well! But we all took a vote.... Me, Louis, Perrie and El chose you because you were nicer and it would be less drama because you aren't IN LOVE with one of us.. Niall actually picked Brianna.. he really likes her I think. But then there's Liam and Harry who both picked you." Zayn said smiling. "You won babe." Liam said smiling at me. I just got invited to England. But how can I say yes? And just leave my best friends? Id feel horrible. But then again this is a once and a lifetime shot. I'm, sure they would all take it as well. I smiled up at them and said "I accept." Harry shouted down the hall "BOOBEAR, SHE ACCEPTED." Then Louis came in and sat down next to me. "WOOOHOO!! But here is the bands credit card. Go outside and Perrie and El will be here to take you shopping. Btw, they're coming as well. So let them help you get stuff for the trip!" he said happily handing me a credit card and pushing me off of the bus. Wow. This is insane.

*Jackie's POV*

There's a lot of hollering going on from the kitchen. "What's going on in there Nialler?" Brianna asked finishing her ice cream. Before he could answer all the boys were rushing back in the room. "Girls, we have to talk." Harry said smoothly. "What??" I said worried. "Well, Liam go ahead." Harry said smiling towards Liam. Liam sighed and began to speak. "Well right now we need you girls to get everything together we unfortunately have to take you back home. But you have our numbers! And twitters and all. I'm sure we will all keep in touch. It was real nice meeting you girls." he smiled and I smiled back. This was an amazing experience. AND I FUCKING HAVE HARRY STYLES NUMBER! Me and Bri got our bags, chargers and phones and finished chatting with the guys until we got back to my house. Brianna was getting dropped off with me and her dad was gonna pick her up after he got out of work. We all started saying goodbye and then I stopped hugging Harry and said "Where is Brittney?" Brianna looked around and no sight of her. Finally Louis spoke up. "Well she is shopping with Eleanor and Perrie.. she is coming to England with us.. Sorry but we only had room for 1.." AND THEY PICKED HER! WHAT THE FUCK. Its cool. I smiled and Brianna smiled too. We said goodbye and got off the bus and walked in my house. "WHAT THE FUCK!! THEY PICKED HER AND NOT US!!" I shouted. "At least we even got to meet them.. AND NIALL JUST TEXTED ME!!" Brianna said smiling. I don't even care I'm still mad as hell.

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