Chapter 11: London Clubs

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*Briannas POV*

"How much longer do you think they'll be sleeping for?" Matty asked. "Oh, probably another hour or two.. both of them sleep too much." I said. Louis looked confused. "But its 2 in the afternoon. I'm going to go wake them up!" He stood up and walked over to there room. This won't be pretty. "You have fun, I'm gonna go play xbox with Nialler." Niall smiled from the couch. He has a perfect smile.

*Brittneys POV*

I was sitting up in my bed talking to Arielle. I really missed girl talk. "Soo, who do you think is the cutest?" I asked. "Definitely Harry! Who do you think is?" I heard Louis behind the door whispering. "Shhh! There talking about us." I quickly stood up. "Louis is the cutest. I think were in love. He always gives me that look." Arielle giggled going along with it. "I want him. He actually does look better than the rest." I heard many gasps behind the door. "The only flaw he has is LISTENING TO PEOPLES CONVERSATIONS." I said opening the door to see him, Liam and Jackie pressed against the door. Me and Ari both burst into fits of laughter. "Ha ha ha, very funny!" Louis said jumping on the bed. El walked in and jumped on the bed too. Even Jackie was on the bed. Liam was the only awkward one watching. "C'mon Liam join the bed party! Arielle said patting the bed. He finally joined and was laying between me and Louis. I turned around so we were facing each other. "I miss you." I mouthed. He mouthed it back and took his phone out. Moments later I received a text.

From: Liam: Wanna go shopping for food with me? Just us.

To: Liam: When?

From: Liam: Now. Lets go.

To: Liam: I'm in sweats and a t shirt, and you have sweats and a hoodie, should we change?

From: Liam: No! lets gooo

We both slipped out of the room and out of the house without anyone noticing.

"Liam, we passed the store." I said curiously. "I know.." He pulled into a vacant lot and stopped the car. He turned towards me with a smile. "So how are you? Are you enjoying your time here? Do you miss your mum and dad? Is there anything you want or need? Do you feel comfortable with us? "How's Harry treating you?" He asked quickly. Damn, why so many questions? I took a deep breath and answered all of his questions. "I'm good, loving it here, I do miss my family. I'm very comfortable with you all.. besides your girlfriend and Harry is wonderful." He frowned. "Please ignore Danielle, I do." I stuck my finger up to his lip silencing him. "Liam its fine, lets just go shopping and get back." He nodded and started the car. It was a silent trip to the store.

"I was standing on the edge of the cart and Liam was running around pushing me. "SLOW DOWN! WERE GONNA CRASH!" I squealed. "Nooo! I'm a professional at this." he said laughing. "To the pickle isle!" I said pointing to the direction. He listened. "Lets get this kind?" Liam asked. I hopped off the cart and walked up to the shelf with all the pickles. "No way, this kind is better!" I said pointing to a jar. "I hate eating pickles in spears!" he said whining. "Fine, whole or halves?" I said shaking my head. "Halves? Or wait what's better?" "Liam, I don't care! I like them all! Just pick one before I bite your nipple." I said showing him my teeth. "I can't decide!" he said smirking. "Fine, we'll get both." I said putting both jars in the cart. A older woman in her like 40s came up to me and Liam. She pinched his cheek and said "Young love, its beautiful! Such a lovely couple. Take good care of your girlfriend, she's a beauty." Ah... this is awkward. "Well, thank you ma'am. You have a good day." Liam said smiling at the woman. We both carried on with the shopping. "Liam?"

"Yeah Britt?" "Why didn't you tell her I wasn't your girlfriend?" I asked quietly. He moved my hair out of my face, and smiled. "Because for a second it felt nice thinking we were together." Wait what? "Li-"

"OMG ITS LIAM PAYNE!!!!" A tall blonde girl shouted cutting me off. "Fuck." Liam mumbled under his breath. About 10 girls ran over to us. "LIAM PLEASE TAKE A PICTURE WITH ME!" "NO LIAM. FUCK ME!" "LIAM HI, HI LIAM!" There really loud. "Hey girls, line up and I'll take a picture of you and Liam one by one." I shouted. They all lined up and quieted down. "Who are you? Are you the tour manager? Or do you work for modest?" A small red haired girl asked. "NO! That's Liams sister!" Another girl up front yelled. Liam began giggling. Just as I was gonna tell them my name a girl in the back shouted "NO YOU IDIOTS, THAT'S BRITTNEY!!!!! THE ONE LIAM POSTED A PICTURE OF SLEEPING! THE ONE IN THE PICTURE OF HER AND NIALL IN HIS PANTS, THE ONE WITH LOU POSTED PICTURES OF ON TWITTER OF HER AND HARRY AND LUX. THE ONE WHO HARRY SAID WAS HIS GIRL, THE ONE ASHTON CALLED HOT, THE ONE HARRY SAID HE WASN'T DATING YET. THE ONE WHO POSTS PICTURES OF THE BOYS ALL THE TIME. THAT'S FUCKING BRITTNEY HOLY FUCK!" WOAH. "Uhm.. yeah! Someone knows there information." I said raising my eyebrows. "FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER BRITTNEY!" was all I heard. A few girls asked me to be in the pictures with them. At this point Liams security guard was in the store to escort us out, there was now about 200 girls and about 60 paparazzi in the small store. We got escorted out to the check out with the groceries and quickly brought them out to the car. "Well that was a nice shopping trip..." I said once we were safe in the car. "Uhmm, yeah. Sorry if the fans made you feel uncomfortable." he said sounding upset. "Liam, never that. I was- No, still am a directioner. There awesome! I'm just blessed." I said staring out the window. "You're incredible. Britt? What's your favorite song by us?" Wow.. this is a hard question. "Uhm. Id have to say that Little Things is my favorite. Always has been." I said turning to face him. He smiled and softly began to sing to me.

"I know you've never loved

The crinkles by your eyes

When you smile

You've never loved

Your stomach or your thighs,

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But I'll love them endlessly."

I smiled and watched his lips produce the beautiful voice singing to me. He kept his eyes on the road. I wonder if his heart is melting, mine is. He is so perfect. Why can't he just love me. Why am I crying. We just pulled up in front of the house. I quickly dried my face and Liam looked over at me wiping a few tears from his eyes. We both let a smile escape our mouths. "You have a beautiful voice." I said smiling. "You're beautiful." I just rolled my eyes and got out of the car. "Just tell the boys to come down and get the groceries." Liam said smiling. I nodded and headed in the house.

*Nialls POV*

The whole house went out tonight! I think I'm gonna make a move on Brianna. Her, Jackie, and Brittney are all sitting at one of our tables. Harry is dancing with a random girl, so is Matty, Arielle is with a group of random guys, Dani is with Liam, Zayn and Perrie and El and Louis. I already had 3 beers so I'm a little bit buzzed. I walked up to Brianna and extended my hand. "Dance with me beautiful." she smiled and jumped up. "Can we actually go to the bar first? I want another drink." she said nicely. I held her hand taking her to the bar. This is gonna be a good night.

*Zayns POV*

EVERYONE is drunk! Besides me and Eleanor. We all just got back to the flat. Harry and Arielle both came back with dates. "Me an Brianna are going to cuddle! I LOVE HER!" Niall shouted happily. Awe. "EVERYONE COME HERE AND WATCH A MOVIE." They all followed, letting out giggles. I went to the bathroom for two seconds and everything was messed up. Matty was with Harrys date, Arielle was cuddling up on Harrys chest and DANIELLE IS WITH ARIELLES DATE. Liam already went to bed as soon as we got back. Oh no. My poor mate. "Me and Arthur are taking Brittneys room... I wanna talk!" Danielle said giggling and guided him towards Brittneys room. "I'm going to bed. I guess in my Liams!" Brittney said fumbling to her and feet and waddling over there. "NIALLLLL! TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF!" Uhm... I don't want to know. I helped Perrie up and sent her off to our bed with me. Too crazy for me. They can take care of themselves all I care about is my baby girl.

CLIFFHANGER. What happens? (;

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