Chapter 10: Airports

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*Harrys POV*

"Brittney come on get up. We have to go." I said ripping the covers off of her. She didn't fight it. Surprisingly she jumped right up. "I'm going to steal Liams pants." she grumbled. I laughed and followed behind her. She walked into Liams room and straight to his dresser. She began throwing his clothes all over the place. I leaned against the door frame letting out a chuckle. She looked so angered and mad. Throwing all the clothes out until it was empty. "ehhhrrggh" she grumbled. "Check the middle drawer!" I whispered amused by her tiredness. She nodded in my direction and opened the drawer. Opps, that's his underwear and sock drawer. Brittney smiled and took out a pair of Liams boxers. They had batman on them. "Brittney.. what are you doing?" I asked. She smiled up at me, and dropped her pink fuzzy pajama pants. She was wearing nude underwear. She quickly jumped in Liams boxers and shouted "FOUND PANTS FOR THE DAY!" Damn. Liam and Danielle both sprung up and looked confused. Liam cleared his throat. "Ehrm, Britt? What are you doing?" he asked with his scratchy morning breathe. Danielle spat back "I think she's in your boxers? What the hell? Liam why are your clothes everywhere?" Ohh... this could be bad. "I'm batman!" Brittney said with a sudden spark of energy. Liam let out a laugh and smile. "Brittney what on earth are you doing?" he asked with one of his eyebrows raised. I began laughing too. "I'm not cleaning that up. What were you looking for?" Danielle asked annoyed. "Just looking for sweat pants, Liam where are the pair that I wore that day on the bus?" she asked suddenly getting serious. "Oh, there in the bottom drawer." he said calmly. "Hurry up Britt, I don't want to be late." I said rushing her. "Liam, I'll clean up your room when we get back!" Brittney said as I dragged her out of the room. She threw the pants over his boxers. Damn she is such a cutie. I swear this girl is great. It was a long car ride.


"HARRY!" Matty shouted at me running towards me and Brittney. "Hey pal!" I said giving him a hug. "Matty this is Brittney, Britt this is my cousin Matty." Matty smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I saw the pictures!" he said happily.

*Liams POV*

"Liam, I am sick of her wearing your clothes. I'm sick of her living here. I want her gone." Danielle said angrily at me. "Danielle, stop it. She is a nice girl. She hasn't done anything wrong. Please be nice. They'll be home soon." Danielle just huffed and stormed off. She can be such a bitch. I walked into the kitchen with the others. Perrie and El made us all pancakes. I never really cared for them. It was a quiet breakfast until Brittney, Harry and Harrys cousin Matty arrived. "Were back!" Brittney said smiling. "Welcome back ugly !" Niall said laughing." "OH? I guess you won't be seeing BRIANNA than.." Brittney said smirking. "FINE, Brittney oh my you are gorgeous. And look heavenly this morning!" Niall said dramatically. Nice save there man. Brittney just smiled and took Matty into his and Harrys room.

*Brittneys POV*

"This is Harrys room, well yours now too!" I said kindly. Matty. smiled at me, "So I heard that you have some hot friends coming here tomorrow." I laughed. "Yeah, there off limits. Besides Jackie. Go wild with her!" He looked confused and just hugged me. "I think were gonna be great friends!" I hugged him back awkwardly, wow. He is quite the friendly guy. I pulled away and left him to get his stuff sorted out. Niall was busy texting away. "We can't pick up the girls! Jackie said her flight info on Twitter so now we have to have a driver bring them here because of safety issues!" Niall said annoyed. What the hell Jackie. "Wow, I might kill her. What time will they be here then?" He looked up at me smiling. "About 5 hours."

*Briannas POV*

I just got off the plane with Arielle and Jackie.. it was a pretty rocky ride. They had to be separated at least 20 times. I'm about ready to kill Jackie. But its all worth it. I get to see Niall. "THATS MY BAG." Jackie yelled. "Listen you fucking cunt. THIS. IS. MINE. SAY IT WITH ME, THIS IS NOT JACKIES THIS IS ARIELLES." Arielle shouted back. Jackie raised her fist and was about to swing but Ryan was there to grab her fist. "Woahh, ladies ladies ladies! No fighting over me!" he said laughing. "RYAN!" me and Jackie both shouted jumping in his arms. "Who is your friend?" he asked looking at Arielle. "She's not my friend." Jackie said rolling her eyes. "Hi, I'm Arielle, friend of Brittneys." she said warmly. "Ahh, nice to meet you! Well come on girls, lets go. Niall has been bugging me every 3 minutes. He's super buzzing about seeing you Brianna!" I think my heart just melted. I was speechless. Arielle just gave me a soft nudge and smile.

*Brittneys POV*

"WHERE ARE THEY!!!?" Niall shouted. He has been up screaming alllll night. "Niall, calm down, they will be here." I said calmly. "Yeah, Niall don't worry Brianna isn't gonna find a boyfriend on a private jet." Danielle said annoyed. Suddenly we heard a voice shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL YOU DO IS TALK, DAMN. CAN I JUST KICK YOU OUT A WINDOW?" Niall looked worried. "Lock the door!" he whisper shouted. Wait, I know that voice. I jumped up running to the door flinging it open. I was immediately in front of a very annoyed Brianna. "Bri!" I said hugging her, not a second later Niall was pulling us apart. "Brianna! How are ya? How was the plane ride?" He said while hugging her. "HORRIBLE, they NEVER STOP FIGHTING." she said annoyed. Niall quickly began babying her, and dragging her and her luggage off to his room. "Brittney!" I turned around to be hugged tightly by Arielle. "I missed you so much!" I said hugging her back. "Oh my, your hair smells good! What shampoo?" she said pulling away. She hasn't changed at all. "Whatever is in there, I don't even know the name, but where's Jackie?" I asked. "She is with the body guard, trying to calm down. I almost killed her." Arielle said calmly. This is gonna be a long week. "Oh.. well come on, let me introduce you to everyone." I said nicely. She followed me into a room. "This is Arielle, Arielle this is-" "Liam! Louis! Perrie! Harry! Danielle! Zayn! Eleanor and Harrys cousin Matty." she said proudly cutting me off. I smiled. "Good job!" she stuck her tongue out at me and laughed. "Its nice to meet you! Heard wonderful things about you!" Harry said smiling. "Nice to meet you too sir, now not to be rude, but I'm extremely tired.. Britt show me to our room?" I nodded and we all said goodnight. They all went into there own rooms to sleep.

"Soo, what do you think about everyone so far?" I asked. She smiled. "Well, didn't meet Niall! But the rest seem nice.. besides Danielle, she was rolling her eyes at me the whole time. She don't want these problems!" This is why I love Arielle. She is so funny and feisty. "I'll explain her attitude in the morning, go to bed." I said shaking my head. She smiled and climbed under the covers. "Goodnight, love you." I smiled and whispered "I love you too."

*Nialls POV*

Me and Brianna were laying next to each other in the dark. It was silent. I didn't know what to say. I finally broke the silence. "Brianna.. I missed you." she paused for a second and said "I missed you too.." Her voice. Its a beautiful thing. "Goodnight.. sweet dreams princess." I said softly. "Goodnight Niall." she whispered back letting a yawn escape her lips. My sweet angel. Wait, she isn't even mine... YET.

*Jackies POV*

I finally calm down enough and come in to find a dark house, everyone's doors locked and a pillow and blankets on the couch with a note that says

"Hey girl, love you sleep well! See ya in the morning.. :D -Brittney"

Oh? Okay. Cool. Arielle gets a bed, and I get a couch. Alright.

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