Chapter 13: wooohooo

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*Nialls POV*

I heard a lot of commotion outside of my room. My fucking head hurts and I'm trying to sleep. I quietly broke out of Briannas grip tucking her in properly. She looks cute when she's asleep. I jumped up to my feet. My heads spinning. I quietly walked out shutting the door behind me. There was a bunch of guys sitting with there heads in there hands. "Nialls up. Lets go. Breakfast. We all need to talk." Liam said seriously. Something must have happened. I grumbled and grabbed a jacket off the coat rack and led the way to the car. It was a very silent ride.

We all took a seat at the table in the diner. Its 10 in the morning and its empty in here. Weird. We had a private booth just in case. "So.. how did I end up waking up with this random girl.. Who is she? What's her name? Where did she even come from?" Matty asked confused. "Last night you were all drunk. Besides me and El. As soon as we got back Liam went straight into his room to sleep.. Then Danielle took Arthur into Brittneys room.. That's when Brittney got mad and went to sleep in Liams.. Leaving Arielle dateless. She cuddled up to you Harry, and you guys went into your room. Leaving Harrys date with you Matty. I took care of Perrie and El kept you under control Louis.. And Niall we heard Brianna scream for you to get naked. I don't know what happened in them rooms." Zayn said shrugging. Did me and Brianna? No way, I respect her too much. "I'm sorry Liam.. man.. I fucked Danielle last night. Don't worry, it was strictly sex, no feelings.." Arthur said taking a sip of his black coffee. What a douche. "Oh. Yeah I already know. I remember Brittney coming in my room crying last night because of you guys having intercourse in her bed." Liam said plainly. "I hope Brittney isn't mad at me.. I kind of like Arielle.." Harry said playing with a penny. "Well what's the plan? What are we gonna do about the girls?" Louis said sounding serious for the first time in a while. "Well, me you and Zayn are pretty damn good. Its the rest of ya with all the drama!" I said before shoveling my face with food. "I want to see Danielle again.. I have her number so.. I'll call her." Arthur said with confidence. How rude, right in front of her boyfriend. Liam looked hurt. "She's leaving the house." he said not even flinching. "I think I like Arielle.." Harry said smiling at the penny. Why the hell is he playing with a penny?! "I wanna get to know Stephanie.. LOOKS LIKE THE WHOLE HOUSE IS TAKEN!" Matty said smiling. "Except for Liam, Jackie and Brittney.. But Liam, you and Jackie should hit it off mate!" I said happily. I really like Brianna. But I don't wanna rush anything. Things never work out when I rush them. "Lets just eat and then figure things out when we get home." Liam said picking up a piece of bacon. I wish I had bacon left.

*Brittneys POV*

"Wake up, we need to have a group talk." Eleanor said shaking my arm. "I'M UP. Damn, stop yelling. My head hurts. Fuck." I said almost in a whisper. I tip toed out into the living room after Eleanor. I just wanna be asleep. "So.. Danielle.. what happened last night?" Eleanor asked quietly. "SHE FUCKED ARTHUR IN MY BED!" I shouted through my teeth. I'm so tired. Uhg. "Is it true!?" Perrie asked shocked. "Yes... sorry Arielle." Danielle said looking down at her cup of coffee. "You need to be apologizing to Liam.. and Brittney.. But I think I like Harry." Arielle said smiling. I knew they would hit it off. "Niall wouldn't sleep with me. He is such a perfect gentleman.." Brianna said with the biggest smile I have ever saw. Yuck. Its too early for all this.. happiness.. "I just remember sleeping with a random guy.. don't even know his name." The Stephanie girl said happily. She's just happy to be here. "Brittney did you sleep with Liam?" Danielle said giving me a death stare. "No.. I was drunk, but not that drunk." I said back coldly. I don't like her. She's the reason Liam was upset last night. Fuck her. She smiled to herself. "Where are the boys?" Jackie asked. I forgot she was even here. "Niall just texted me saying they'd be home soon.." Brianna said putting her phone back down. "I hope Liam isn't mad. Do you think Arthur is out with them? But hey since were all basically taken Brittney you can hook up with Arthur.. I enjoyed myself last night.. But you did have a little fling with Harry.. It must be tough watching your best friend steal him away." Danielle said with a little chuckle. This bitch. "Seriously? You think that's funny? You just hurt one of the sweetest guys in the fucking world! You cheated on him! And now you expect me to hook up with the man you cheated on Liam with!? Id rather be alone. And I don't care if they like each other! I DON'T DESERVE HARRY. You're disgusting." I said getting up and walking out the back door to the pool. I took a seat on the edge of the pool dipping my feet in. I tried my best keep the tears in my eyes back. But it does hurt. I do like Harry. He makes me happy. But I like Liam more. It just hurts because I know nothing will ever happen. Its officially hitting me. I think its time for me to go home.

*Arielles POV*

"I hope Liam isn't mad. Do you think Arthur is out with them? But hey since were all basically taken Brittney you can hook up with Arthur.. I enjoyed myself last night.. But you did have a little fling with Harry.. It must be tough watching your best friend steal him away." Danielle said with a little chuckle. I had no idea.. "Seriously? You think that's funny? You just hurt one of the sweetest guys in the fucking world! You cheated on him! And now you expect me to hook up with the man you cheated on Liam with!? Id rather be alone. And I don't care if they like each other! I DON'T DESERVE HARRY. You're disgusting." Brittney said jumping up and taking off towards a door. Where does that lead to? "Danielle. That was very un called for." Perrie said annoyed.

"What was un called for babe?" Zayn asked. Great. Perfect timing. All of the boys walked in. "Well I think Brittney is heartbroken. Because someone was just a MASSIVE bitch." Brianna said annoyed. "Jackie.. what did you?" Louis asked looking at her. "NOTHING! What the fuck, it was Danielle." she said annoyed. "What happened?" Liam said walking towards us all. "Basically she told Brittney she had a good time with Arthur and now Brittney should hook up with him, and that it must hurt seeing her best friend steal Harry away from her. Brittney got upset, stood up for Liam, and then went through that door." Jackie said bluntly. All the boys were sitting down frowning. "I didn't know you and Brittney had something..." I said. I feel ashamed. I'm horrible. "Its my fault." Harry said sadly. "I'm going to talk to her. By myself." Zayn said getting up and walking out the same way Britt did. "I think I should go.." Arthur said awkwardly. "Take Danielle with you." Liam said sounding broken. Wow. "What?" she said walking over to Liam. "Get off of me, and get the fuck out. NOW." This is the scariest I have ever seen Liam. We all looked scared. Its like his eyes went black. She quickly left the house, not getting anything. Stephanie followed the both of them out.

*Brittneys POV*

I heard the door open and footsteps approaching from behind me. I looked up and Zayn sat next to me. "Hey Britt." he said wiping my tears. I leaned in to hug him. Zayn has always treated me like a little sister. "Hi." I managed to squeeze out. "Tell me what's going on." I nodded and began speaking. "I like Liam. But I know he's in love with Danielle. But I also had some feelings for Harry. He made me feel special and now I know he's all about Arielle. I mean I don't blame him. She's perfect. She's the better version of me. Its fine though, I'll be okay." I said putting a smile on my face. "Brittney Nicole Palmeri do not fake that smile. Arielle isn't better than you. Harry is stupid. Just talk to Liam and tell him how you feel. Come on. Lets get inside. And don't EVER listen to Danielle. She is a stupid cunt." Zayn said standing up and taking my hand. I nodded and followed him in the house. Liam was flipping out. Everyone looked scared. I watched him shatter a vase. "I'M SICK OF THIS ALL, IN 2 WEEKS WERE GONNA BE BACK ON TOUR AND ALL OF THIS SHIT WILL GO AWAY. I CAN'T WAIT. I MISS MY REAL FRIENDS. FUCK GIRLS. AND NO EL, I WON'T BE GIVING DANIELLE ANOTHER CHANCE. AND FUCK YOU HARRY FOR HURTING BRITTNEY, I ALREADY HURT HER ENOUGH. NOW YOU TOO." he shouted throwing things on the ground. "Mate, I'm so sor-" "NO, SAVE YOUR FUCKING SORRYS. YOU'RE ALWAYS SORRY. YOU CAN'T JUST EXPECT SORRY TO FIX EVERYTHING YOU DO." Liam shouted cutting Harry off. Everyone looks scared. I know he won't hurt me. I walked up to Liam and punched him in the arm. It didn't affect him. He looked at me confused. "What the hell? When did you get in here? And why did you just hit me?" he said with the anger waiting to burst. "Stop acting like a lunatic. Calm the fuck down." I growled. He picked me up and slammed me down on the table. "Don't fucking touch me!" I spat. How dare he put his hands on me. We were now eye level. I raised my hand up to smack him, but he grabbed it and smashed his lips on mine. I didn't fight it. He had a strong grip on my arms. I could feel the anger in the kiss, he deepened it. Every time I would pull away gasping for air he crashed his lips into mine. I have never seen Liam so angry and rough. But I like it. He laid me backwards on the table I twisted my hands in his hair lightly tugging. The kiss was slowing down and getting more passionate. Finally he pulled apart and I could feel my lips swelling up. He gave one last peck and smiled into it. I sat up and he turned around everyone was staring at us shocked. I ignored them all and looked at Liam. "Are you done being a asshole to everyone?" The smile left his face. "I'm sorry. I just got angry.." he said walking over to Harry and hugging him. "Its okay mate, and I'm sorry Brittney..." Harry said frowning. "I'm soo sorry as well Britt." Arielle said nervously. Liam frowned at me and sat at one of the table chairs near me. "PLEASE, don't be sorry..." I said shaking my head. "I THINK ITS OBVIOUS FROM THAT KISS THAT BRITTNEY LIKES LIAM!" Louis shouted. "Louis shut up." Liam grumbled. I smiled. Its true though. I really do.

cliffhangerrrrrr baybee .(;

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