It Was Sad. And It Was Beautiful {Hell Bent}

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The Doctor: I told you once, so long ago, that the universe would become a very small place when I'm angry with you. Small enough for you yet? Hello Me.
Me: You don't seem surprised to see me.
The Doctor: At the end of the everything we should expect the company of immortals, so I've been told.
Me: Even the other immortals are gone. It's just me.
The Doctor: The one and only Me. Finally you earn the title. Sitting here in a reality bubble at the end of time itself. How are you sustaining it, by the way.
Me: Brilliantly. I've been watching the stars die. It was beautiful.
The Doctor: No, it was sad.
Me: No. It was both. But that's not something you would understand, is it? You don't like endings. She died, Doctor. Clara died billions of years ago.
The Doctor: You killed her.
Me: No.
The Doctor: You let it happen.
Me: No, I didn't. Neither did you. She did. She died for who she was and who she loved. She fell where she stood. It was sad. And it was beautiful. And it is over. We have no right to change who she was.

The Doctor: Ashildr—
Me: Me.
The Doctor: Me. Go to hell. By my calculations you've got about five minutes.
Me: You know why we run, Doctor?
The Doctor: Because it's fun.
Me: Because we know summer can't last forever.
The Doctor: Of course it can. Of course it can. You just have to steal a time machine.
Me: The Hybrid. Five minutes to hell, I think it's time to tell the truth.

Me: You were barely more than a child. You broke into here. And the Wraith spoke to you about the Hybrid. Why did that story make you so scared?
The Doctor: I don't know. I don't remember everything.
Me: Sometimes you do. It's always the way with things we'd rather forget. You remember now though, don't you? Tell me, Doctor, who is the Hybrid? Who threatens all of time and space?
The Doctor: Oh that's easy. That's very very easy. The Hybrid... is you.
Me: I'm human. With a little bit of Mire inside me. The Hybrid is supposed to be half-human, half-Dalek.
The Doctor: No, it isn't. The actual prophecy specifies only two warrior races. The Daleks and the Time Lords have made assumptions, of course. And they would. Humans and the Mire. Both warrior races. It fits perfectly.
Me: It's an interesting theory.
The Doctor: Do you have a better one?
Me: By your own reasoning, why couldn't the Hybrid be half-Time Lord, half-Human? Tell me, Doctor, I've always wondered. You're a Time Lord, you're a highborn Gallifreyan. Why is it you spend so much time on Earth?
The Doctor: That's your best theory? I'm the Hybrid? I've run away from Gallifrey because I was afraid of myself? That doesn't make any sense.
Me: It makes perfect sense and you know it. Am I right? Is it true?
The Doctor: Does it matter?
Me: No. Because I have a better theory.
The Doctor: Really?
Me: What if the Hybrid wasn't one person, but two.
The Doctor: Two?
Me: A dangerous combination of a passionate and powerful Time Lord and a young woman, so very similar to him. Companions who are willing to push each other to extremes.
The Doctor: She's my friend. She's just my friend.
Me: How did you meet her?
Clara listening in: Missy.
The Doctor: Missy.
Me: Missy. The Master. The lover of chaos. Who wants you to love it too. She's quite the matchmaker.
Clara's my friend.
Me: I know. And you're willing to risk all of time and space because you miss her. One wonders what the pair of you will get up to next.
The Doctor: Nothing. Nothing at all. I know I went too far. I get it. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing.
Me: And what would that be?
The Doctor: I'm taking her back to Earth. Somewhere safe, somewhere out of the way. I'm going to wipe her memory of every last detail of me. It'll be like our friendship never happened.
Me: That may not be what she wants.
The Doctor: I've done it before. Usually I do it telepathically, but this time I've got something better. It's quite painless.
Me: Will you tell her what you're going to do?
The Doctor: Of course.
Me: When?
The Doctor: Now.

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