The Ad

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The Doctor: What's wrong?

Clara: I don't know, maybe the smell.

The Doctor: I know. It's everywhere.

The Doctor: Are you cross with me?

Clara: I am not cross. But if I was cross it would be your fault. And... yes I am cross.

The Doctor: I guessed that.

Clara: I am extremely cross.

The Doctor: And if I hadn't changed my face would you be cross?

Clara: I would be cross if I wasn't cross.

Clara: So what kind of person would put a cryptic note in a newspaper advert?

The Doctor: Well I would like to say-

Clara: Oh go on, do say.

The Doctor: Well I would say that that person would be an egomaniac needy game player sort of person.

Clara: Thank you. Hm. Well at least that hasn't changed.

The Doctor: And I don't suppose it ever will.

Clara: No, I don't suppose it will either.

The Doctor: Clara, honestly. I don't want you to change. It was no bother, really. I saw your advert, I figured it out. Happy to play your game.

Clara: No. I didn't place the ad, you placed the ad.

The Doctor: Well if neither of us placed that ad, who placed that ad?

Clara: Hang on. Egomaniac needy game player?

The Doctor: This could be a trap.

Clara: That was me?

The Doctor: Never mind that.

Clara: Yes, I am minding that.

The Doctor: Clara-

Clara: You were talking about me.

The Doctor: Clara. What is happening right now, in this restaurant to you and me, is more important than your egomania.

Clara: Nothing is more important than my egomania!

The Doctor: Right. You actually said that.

Clara: You never mention that again!

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