How Long?/Hope is a terrible thing. {Hell Bent}

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Clara: Look at me again.
The Doctor: Say what?
Clara: In the eye, look at me. Just do it.
The Doctor: What? What is it?
Clara: How long has it been for you since you last saw me?
The Doctor: Oh... ho, well I'm not sure.
Clara: How long?
The Doctor: I was stuck in a place. They

Clara: They. What? Who, who are we talking about?
The Doctor: They wanted something from me, information. It really doesn't matter.

Clara: What happened to your coat? The velvety one. I liked that one. It was, it was very Doctor-y.
The Doctor: I changed it.
Clara: Why?
The Doctor: Well I can't be the Doctor all the time. I think I've almost got it. I think this is it.
Clara: Tell me what they did to you. Tell me what happened to the Doctor.

Clara: The Hybrid. What is it? What's so important you would fight so long?
The Doctor: It doesn't matter what the Hybrid is, it only matters that I convinced them that I knew. Otherwise they'd have kicked me out and I'd have nothing left to bargain with.
Clara: What were you bargaining for?
The Doctor: What do you think? You. I have to find a way to save you. I knew it had to be the Time Lords. They cost you your life on Trap Street, Clara. And I was going to make them bring you back. I just had to hang on in there for a bit.
Clara: How long?
The Doctor: It was fine.

Clara: One question. And you will answer this question. How long was the Doctor trapped inside the Confession Dial?
Ohila: We think... four-and-a-half billion years.
The General: He could have left anytime he wanted. He just had to say what he knew. The Dial would have released him.

Clara: Four-and-a-half billion years?
The Doctor: If she says so.
Clara: No. Why would you even do that? I was dead. I was dead and gone. Why? Why would you even do that to yourself?
The Doctor: I had a duty of care.

Clara: Okay, listen. I have something I need to say.
The Doctor: We do not have time!
Clara: No, my time— my time is up, Doctor. Between one heartbeat and the last is all the time I have. People like me and you, we should say things to one another. And I'm going to say them now.

Clara: You're monsters. Here you are, hiding away at the end of time. Do you even know why? Because you are hated. You. Are. Hated. By everybody. But by nobody more than me.
Ohila: What did you say to him?
Clara: Oh, nothing I'm going to tell you. Or anybody else. Except maybe this one part. I said: "Don't worry, Doctor. They'll all be looking at me."

The General: You need to tell us what the Doctor is going to do now.
Clara: You really are thick, aren't you? The Doctor is back on Gallifrey. Took him four-and-a-half billion years to get here. What do you think he's gonna do now? Why, he's stealing a TARDIS and running away. Bye!

Ohila: Get out of that TARDIS and face me, boy!
Clara: Boy?
Ohila: You have gone too far. You have broken every code you ever lived by.
The Doctor: After all this time, after everything I've done... don't you think the universe owes me this?
Ohila: Owes you what? All you're doing is giving her hope.
The Doctor: Since when is hope a bad thing?
Ohila: Hope is a terrible thing on the scaffold.

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