Chapter 9

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The next day during school I didn't talk to anyone. I hated it, at lunch I talked to Ponyboy and Johnny a bit, but all my classes I didn't talk to anyone. After school I walked to the DX to see Soda. 

"Hey." He smiled when I walked in. 

"Hi." I mumbled. 

"How was school?" He asked kissing my cheek. I glared at him. "That bad?" 

"The only people I talked to all day was Johnny and Pony at lunch." I sighed. 

"It will get better, you just have to get used to it." He smiled. 

I rolled my eyes and went to go sit at the counter with my homework. I worked on it for a while, as Soda helped customers. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Soda stop I have to do this." I mumbled. 

"Come on." He kissed my cheek. "I haven't talked to you all day." 

"Well that's your own fault." I snapped and got up. "I'm going home." I grabbed my stuff and walked out. 

I walked home and work on my homework. A couple hours later I heard something hitting my window. I got up and saw Soda throwing rocks at me. "Can we talk?" He asked. 

"Why?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Please?" He asked. 

"Fine." I mumbled and went downstairs. I met Soda on the porch. 

"I'm sorry." He looked at me. "I know it sucks but, I had too. I had to do the best thing for us." He mumbled. 

"I know but it still sucks. I'm never going to get to see you." I looked at him. 

"Come over after school." He smiled. 

"I have homework." I looked at him. 

"Then go home and do it while I work then after we can hang out." He smiled. "I promise we will work something out." 

"Okay." I mumbled hugging him. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back. "I really need to finish my homework." I pulled away. 

"Come over after I get off tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Yeah." I smiled. 

The next day during school Steve and Evie talked to me a lot more than normal. I figured Soda talked them into it, but it was still nice. At lunch I talked to Pony and Johnny still. He gave me a book to read, he thought I might like it. 

After school I didn't have any homework so I decided to stop by the DX. I got there and walked in and there was a bunch of girls surrounding Soda. I watched for a while, he kept talking to them and smiling. 

I got fed up of him flirting with them so I went home. I decided to finish the book Pony gave me so he could get it back. Once I finished, it was a little before Soda would be off so I figured I could go drop it off since I really didn't want to see him. I walked over and knocked on the door. Soda answer. "Oh hey you are here early." He smiled. 

"I thought you were working." I was a little shocked to see him. 

"I got off early, I was going to go surprise you." He smiled. 

"Oh. Is Pony home?" I asked. 

"Not sure. Why?" He asked. 

"I have this book I want to give it back to him." I held up the book. 

"Oh, I'll give it to him." He grabbed it. 

"No, I want to give it to him so we can talk about it." I shook my head. 

"Oh. Do you want to hang out until he shows up?" He asked. 

"No, I have a lot of homework. I'll just come back later." I shook my head and turned around to leave. 

"Hey, wait. Why are you trying to avoid me?" He asked. 

"Because you have so many other girls to pay attention too." I glared at him. 


"I came to the DX and you were to busy flirting with other girls." I glared at him. 

"I wasn't flirting." He rolled his eyes. 

"Could have fool me." I mumbled. 

"Well all you do is flirt with Pony." He snapped. 

"At least he talks to me." I yelled. 

"You know I'm busy!" He yelled. 

"Not too busy for them." I turned around and started walking. 

He sighed and ran after me. "Babe." He spoke softer. "I wasn't flirting. I get in trouble if I am rude to them."

I turned around and looked at him. "You don't have to be jealous of Pony." 

"I know." He smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and hugged him. "I just hate school." 

"I know. Did Steve talk to you some today?" He asked. 

"You told him too didn't you." I looked at him and smirked. 

"Yeah, I just don't want you to be miserable." He grinned a bit. 

"Thank you."  I smiled and kissed him. 

He smiled and took my hand. We inside and laid down on the couch and talked. "I'm really sorry we been fighting a lot." He mumbled and kissed my hand. 

"It's okay. A lot has happened." I smiled at him. 

"I really love you." He smiled. 

"I love you too." I lean into him. We laid there for a while until Darry got home. It was getting late so I figured I needed to get home. Soda walked me home. "Will you come by after school if you don't have homework or I'll come over after I get off?" He asked. 

"That sounds perfect." I smiled and kissed him. "Good night." I smiled when I pulled away. 

"Good night." He kissed me one last time before I went inside. 

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