Chapter 22

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When we both calmed down a bit I looked at him. "What are we going to do?" I asked. 

"I don't know." He sighed. 

"I'm going to miss you." I laid into him 

"I'm going to miss you so much." He mumbled rubbing my side. 

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you." I sniffed. 

"Hey you will be okay, we will write to each other all the time, then you will also be able to see the gang, they will be there for you." He pulled me close. 

"It's not going to be the same." I shook my head. 

"Two years and I'll be back." He tried to smiled. 

"What if you don't get back?" I looked at him. 

"I will, I promise." He held on to my hand. 

He laid into me, "Come on, let's go lay down and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can get off until I leave and also I'm going to tell the gang." 

"Okay." I nodded and we got up. We went to bed and laid there. He held me close as we slept. It was really hard to sleep knowing that before long I would be by myself again. 

The next morning Soda woke up first, he laid in bed and started to rub my side. "Babe?" He mumbled. 

"Huh?" I mumbled. 

"I'm going to go to work and talk to the boss and see if I can get off." He held me close. 

"I want to go with you, I don't want to leave your side." I looked up at him. 

"You have to work soon." He looked at me. 

"I'll skip." I shook my head. 

"Babe, I don't want to get in a fight but you can't afford it, when I'm gone you will have to cover all the bills again, you need to make sure you work." He sighed. 

"I can't believe this is happening." My voice cracked as I started to tear up. 

"It's going to be okay." He rubbed my side. "I promise, but I have to go, stop by the gangs after work okay?" 

"Okay." I nodded. He gave me a quick kiss good bye before leaving. 

I slowly got up for work and left, during work I was so out of it, I knew I couldn't keep that up but I just needed a couple days to work everything through my head. 

After work I went to the gangs to see them and see Soda. I walked in and Soda, Steve, Two, and Ponyboy were all there. "Hey." Soda smiled and got up coming over to me. He kissed me and pulled me in to the kitchen really quick and grabbed a drink. "Don't say anything, I want to tell them when everyone is here. I know Johnny and Dally are on there way and Darry will be home soon."

"Okay." I nodded. We went back into the living room and sat on the couch and he put his arm around me, pulling me close. 

We all sat together and talked for a while until everyone was there. "So I guess I have something I need to tell you.." He paused and looked at me. "I got drafted into war." 

The gang all looked at each other. "I leave in two weeks for two years, I talked to our boss today and he let me off now until I'm gone. 

We all sat around and talked, after a while the gang left and it left us with just his family. "When did you find out?" Darry asked. 

"Last night." He shrugged. 

"I can't believe it." Pony mumbled and hugged Soda. 

"I know buddy, me either." He sighed. 

We sat around and talked some more as it started to get late. "We are going to head home, I'll be over tomorrow some time." We got up and left and headed home. 

We walked home and saw Steve sitting on the porch. "What are you doing?" Soda asked. 

"I can't believe you are leave." Steve shook his head.

"I know." Soda sighed. "We can talk inside." Soda lead us inside and we sat around and talked. 

"I want to go with you." Steve said after a while. 

"No, I want you to stay here and help take care of my brothers and Alex, you are strong enough to help them through it. I'd feel better knowing you are here." Soda shook his head. 

"I couldn't help but think if something happened to you, that I should have been there to help you." Steve shook his head. 

"Nothing will happen to me, plus if something does you have too take care of Alex for me." He grinned and looked at me. 

I rolled my eyes. "But you are coming home so it doesn't matter." I shook my head. 

"I still don't like you leaving by yourself." Steve shook his head. 

"I'll be fine." Soda shook his head. "It's getting late, you should probably head home, I'll see you tomorrow Steve okay?" 

"Okay." Steve got up and left, Soda looked at me and smiled. 

I laid my head on his shoulder. "See no one is happy about this. You shouldn't go." I crossed my arms. 

"Babe. I don't have a choice and this is the last time we fight about this, I don't want to spend the next two weeks mad okay?" Soda sighed. 

"Okay." I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, I don't think its fair." I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed me. 

"I know, let's just go to bed." He got up and held my hand as we went to our room and laid down. "I'll love you forever, no matter what okay?" He mumbled into my neck. 

"I will love you forever and always." I slowly kissed him. I never wanted these moments to end with him, but I was going to make the next two weeks last. I knew during the day I was going to have to share him with the gang but at least at night he would be all mine. 

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