Chapter 16

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After closing Soda took my hand and we started walking home. "Do you want to go talk to your parents right away or wait?" He asked.

"Can it wait until tomorrow?" I asked. 

He sighed and stopped. "You have to talk to them today, if they start yelling just leave and come over, we will figure something out okay?" He looked at me. 

"Okay." I nodded. 

"How about you go over right away so if something does happen and you come over upset the gang isn't all there and sees you." 

"Okay." I agreed. I didn't want too but I knew it was probably the best idea. 

We got to the front of his house. "I love you." He kissed me. 

"I love you too." I gave him a hug before walking across the street. I took a breath and walked inside. 

"Where have you been?!" My mom started yelling at me when I walked inside. "Seth said you broke up with Paul." She stared at me. 

"Yeah I broke up with that awful Soc, he was horrible to me mom! I've been at the DX with Soda since he is the only one who really cares about me." I tried to keep my voice steady but it was slowly getting louder. 

"I told you that you weren't allowed to see him again!" She yelled. 

"I don't care mom, I love him and he loves me. We treat each other right." I crossed my arms. "Better than you treat me." I mumbled. 

"Fine, if we are so awful to you go be with him. I don't want to see you here again unless you are 100% done with that stupid greaser and his gang." She glared at me. 

"Fine." I turned around and walked out. 

I quickly ran back over to Soda's house and knocked on the door. Soda answered and before anything was said he pulled me into a hug. "Come on." He whispered into my ear and pulled me down the hall and into his room. 

It had been the first time I really been in his room other than for a few minutes, Darry was pretty strict about keeping girls out of rooms but he must have not cared or Soda didn't care if he got in trouble. We got back into his room and laid down on the bed, his arms wrapped around me and pulling me into him, I buried my face into his chest. 

We laid there together for a while, I knew this was going to happen. "You okay?" He asked after a while. 

I shrugged and glanced up at him. "It will be okay." He kissed my forehead. 

"I know." I nodded. "I have you." I forced a small smile. 

Soda smiled and squeezed his arm that was around my waist a bit. "Think we can go sit out in the living room? I still haven't heard anyone get home and it's not the best idea to get caught in here." 

I nodded and sat up. We both got up and went out to the living room, no one was there and we laid down on the couch. We watched tv and talked a bit, I told him what my mom said and then we ended up making out until Darry got home. 

I quickly pulled away when the door slammed shut. "You are cute when you are embarrassed." Soda whispered into my ear before getting up to go talk to Darry. 

I sat in the living room and heard parts of the conversation. After what seemed like forever Soda came back into the living room. "Darry said you can stay here but he wants to tell us some rules." He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and we went into the kitchen, we sat down at the table together. 

"You can stay as long as you need to but Ponyboy will decided where he wants to sleep and you will figure it out from there, I don't want you kicking him out of his room. I don't want anything going on between you too. I don't want anything else to happen to cause more problems. Soda you will work your normal schedule and Alex you will stay in school. He in the next couple days we will find a time where you can go get your stuff while you parents are gone." He paused to make sure he covered everything. "I also can add any rule at anytime if I see it is necessary." Darry added. 

Soda rolled his eyes and looked at me. I nodded and kept looking at Darry. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I plan on getting a job so I can get a house or something but it will take a while to save enough up." 

"It's okay, I also ask that if you are around to try and help with cooking, cleaning, and laundry if you can." Darry add. 

"I will, thank you." I nodded. 

"I'm going to finish up supper, I'll yell when it's ready, also talk to Pony here soon and not at bed time, you have school and work tomorrow, I don't want you to be up all night arguing." He added as we walked out. 

As soon as we got out of sight from Darry, Soda grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. "See? Everything is going to be okay." He smiled. I lean into him and kissed him. 

After a few minutes Ponyboy walked in. "Hey Pony." Soda smiled and followed him back to their room, he set down his books. 

Soda explained mostly everything that had happened. "So do you think you would want to see on the couch so we can have the bed?" He asked. 

"If you don't want too Pony it's okay, I think Darry would be happier if I just slept on the couch." I quickly added before he could answer. I saw Soda look at me and I looked away. 

"I rather not sleep by myself, can we just leave it like this and then over the weekend we can talk more, I have a lot of homework that I need to do and the week is almost over." He looked at me and not Soda. 

"Thanks okay Ponyboy." I smiled. "I hope it doesn't bother you that I'm staying here." 

He shrugged and got started on his homework. Soda grabbed my hand and pulled me out of his room. "Why did you say that to him?" He asked. 

"You basically said, hey I'm going to kick you out so I can sleep with my girlfriend that you probably don't even like but I hope that's okay." I looked at him. "I've already got so much I don't want to take everything." I looked down, I really didn't want to fight with Soda right now. 

"I just asked him, he could have told me no." Soda looked at me. 

"He wouldn't have said no if I didn't say it would be okay if he did. He doesn't want you mad at him. Can we just not fight about this? It's done." I looked up at him. 

"I'll sleep out here with you tonight then." Soda shrugged. 

"No, Pony said he didn't want to sleep alone. I'll be okay." I looked at him. "Just leave it like this until the weekend then we can do something." I looked at him. 

"Dinner is ready." Darry yelled. Soda quickly turned and went into the dinning room and sat down. The talked some during dinner while I just ate, I didn't feel like talking much, I felt like Soda wasn't too happy with me either. 

After we finished eating Soda cleaned up and I helped him. When we finished he still hadn't talked to me. "Can we talk outside?" I looked at him and bit my lip. 

He nodded before heading outside. We got outside and I looked at him. "Are you mad?" I asked quietly. 

"No." He sighed after a while. "I just had it planned out that we would be able to sleep together and then you basically said you didn't want too." 

"Soda a lot has changed today, for everyone, I don't want to make it worst than it has too be. I don't want to change all your lives just because I moved in. Pony is stressed with school and moving everything around will just make it worst and I want to show Darry that me being here won't cause problems." 

"You aren't causing problems." He quickly stopped me. 

"Let's just get to the weekend and then we can go from there okay?" I looked at him. 

"Okay." He nodded. "I know I haven't made this the easiest on you. I'm sorry." He mumbled and started to play with my hair, avoiding my gaze. 

"It's not like it's been easy on you either." I smiled at him. 

"I love you." He finally looked at me. 

"I love you too." I kissed him. After a while I pulled away, "Come on, it's probably late we should get to bed." We went inside and got everything ready for bed and went to sleep with me on the couch and him in his room with Pony. 

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