Chapter 14

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*Warning: There is a little bit of abusive relationship in this chapter*

My jaw dropped, I was in shock. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't decided to play the I'm over you what do you want card or the I miss you more than anything. I decided to play it cool for the most part. 

"Uh hi." I mumbled. 

"I've really missed you, I was wondering how you are doing?" He asked. 

"I'm okay." I lied. 

"I heard you went out with that Soc." He brought up. 

"Yeah." I shrugged. 

"Well, I just want you to know that tonight at 7 I'll be at the Dingo if you want to come that would be really awesome." I knew he was smiling.

"Alright." I smiled. "Uh bye." I hanged up. I missed him so much, but I was so scared what would happen to him or anything if we got back together. I was suppose to go out with the Socs again tonight but I didn't want too. I decided to call him. 

"Hey, it's Alex." I got pretty nervous. I hope he didn't think of anything when we broke our date. "I just wanted you to know that I have to baby sit tonight so I can't go out. I'm sorry." 

"Are you sure? I could talk to your mom." He offered. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. She said I have no choice, I'll see you Monday in school." I hanged up. I sighed deeply, I was so nervous that he would find out I was lying and hurt someone. 

I really wanted to go out with Soda but I was just to scared too. I spent a while debating before I figured I should just stay home. I didn't want anything bad to happen. 

I stayed home all day Saturday and Sunday, I felt awful about not going and seeing Soda, I knew I still loved him but if I had to say bye to keep him safe I would. I had to talk to him to explain.  I came up with a plan, I just hope I could pull it off. 

The next Monday in school I tried to act normal around all the Socs. It was hard, "I have so much homework, I'm just going to walk home after school." I told him at lunch. 

"I could drive you." He offered. 

"No it's okay." I shook my head and forced a smile. 

As we left lunch I looked over at the gang and smiled. The all glared at me but Evie gave me a small smile. I wanted to talk to them but I knew it would end badly. In our lab I kept looking at Steve but every time he just glared at me. 

After school I left and walked to the DX, I looked around to make sure no one was watching. I walked in and Steve was already there behind the counter. "What do you want?" He snapped at me. 

"I want to talk to Soda." 

"Should have done that the other night instead of standing him up." He glared. "You could have told him you weren't going." 

"I wanted too, but I knew if we were seen it would be good. Please Steve." I murmured. 

"Fine." He sighed and pointed to the back. 

I gave him a small smile before I went to the back, I went and found Soda, he was bent over the hood of a car. "Soda?" I asked quietly. 

"What?" He jumped up in surprise. "Ow." He grabbed the back of his head that he hit on the hood of the car. "Alex." He looked at me. "What are you doing here?" He moved his hand and there was blood on it. 

"You're bleeding." I went over to the bench and grabbed a rag. He sat down on a stool and I pushed the rag to the back of his head. "I wanted to talk to you." 

"You shouldn't talk to me the other night instead of making me look like an idiot?" He looked at me. 

"If we were seen it would only cause a lot of fights." I shook my head. "Soda, I miss you. I wanted to go, when I hanged up I was going to go. When I thought about it I knew it wouldn't be smart to meet in such a public place. I'm scared what he will do to you if you found out." 

"I'm not scared of him." He gritted his teeth. 

"Well, if he did something to you I would feel awful, like I do now." I laughed a bit and pulled the rag away. "You've stop bleeding." I mumbled and stepped away, I didn't notice how close we were until then. 

"What are we going to do?" He asked. 

"I was thinking, that I could pretend to go out with him during the day, then we can see each other at night or after school in secret. I know it's not idea, but I don't want him to hurt you and my parents won't be happy if I go back with you." 

"So you want to hid me." He got up. 

"Soda no. I just think we need to wait a while before we let everyone know." I looked at him. 

He looked in my eyes and pressed his lips to mine, his hands went and cupped my face and he pulled me into a passionate kiss. He pulled away and I was breathless. All I could do was stare at him. "I love you. I thought breaking up with you would have been a good idea but it's been my worst mistake yet." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I laid my head on his chest. 

After a few seconds Steve came in back, I quickly pulled away. Soda laughed keeping an arm around me. "What?" He asked. 

"So are you guys back together?" Steve asked. 

"Is that why you came back here?" Soda laughed. 

"No, her what ever you want to call him came by and was looking for her. He didn't do anything but he said he would be watching us." 

I sighed and Soda squeezed my side. "Well, since you know we need your help." Soda looked at Steve. Soda told him the plan and he promised to help. 

"So I think I'm going to come and try to stop by twice a week and then maybe we can try to do something on the weekends." I smiled at Soda. 

"Great." He smiled back. 

"Okay, well I probably should get going, I'll be back later this week." I smiled and kissed him before leaving. I started to walk home when someone grabbed my arm really tightly. 

"What were you doing there?" The Soc pulled me into the alley and pushed me up against the wall. 

"I... I.. I was getting a coke." I lied. 

"Then where is it?" He snapped. 

"They were out." 

"Liar." He smacked me. I tried to pull away but he just grabbed me and pulled me close. "Don't you dare try and get back with that trash. You will regret it in so many different ways. Get home, I have better things to do, tomorrow in school you better act like none of this happened." He pushed me and I fell, I got up and ran home. I went up to my room and hid. I didn't leave for the rest of the night. 

The next day in school went pretty normal, I kept stealing glances with the gang and started to smile at them. After school I started to walk home but I sneaked into the DX. I ran in back to Soda and to his arms. "Soda, I need help." I mumbled and hid my face. 

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