Chapter 19

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When he came out I stood up and smiled at him. "You look nice." 

"Thanks." He shrugged. I went over to him and lightly pushed his hair back, some of it was sticking up and I was trying to fix it. He pulled away and started to walk out. "Let's go." 

I sighed and followed him, I looked down not really paying attention, when I walked out of the door I ran into him.

"Would you watch where you are going?" He snapped. 

"I'm sorry, I'm trying and you aren't helping at all." I crossed my arms and looked down. 

"I'm giving you another chance, I could have just kicked you out weeks ago." He yelled. 

I bit my lip and looked down. "I've told you I'm sorry." I sat down and hid my face. I sat there and tried my hardest to not cry but I couldn't help it. 

"Come on, let's go back inside." He put a hand on my back to help me get up. 

"No I want to go, I just need a minute." I shook my head. 

"I want to talk." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "It's okay." 

I followed him inside and he sat me on the couch then sat down on the coffee table right in front of me, he held my hands and looked at me. I refused to look at him. "I'm sorry." He started. 

I looked up at him confused. 

"You know I've been hurt once and I was scared that this wouldn't work out so I've been trying to distances myself so it doesn't hurt as much if this does end." He lightly rubbed my hands. 

"Do you think this is going to end?" I asked softly. 

"I don't want it too." He shook his head. 

I smiled a bit, "I don't either. I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. I'm trying to get a house so I'll be out of your hair."

"Then I'll see you even less." He mumbled and lean back. 

"Well, the house on the other end of the block just went for sale and I have enough to get it, I was going to put a down payment on it Monday. Then we would only be a block apart and if you wanted to stay with me I would let you." I bit my lip. "I saw it go on sale so I've been working a lot harder to I made sure I could get it." 

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked smiling. 

"I wanted to surprise you, I didn't think it was going to get this bad." I looked down. 

He tilt my chin up and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and lean into him. He pulled me close as we kissed.  He pulled away and smiled, I couldn't help but smile too. 

"Thank you." I mumbled and hugged him. 

"For what?" He asked. 

"Giving me another chance." I bit my lip. 

"I love you, I'll give you a million chances." He smiled. 

I couldn't help but smile back. "Do you still want to go out?" I asked. 

"I rather stay here and get caught up on doing this." He grinned and kissed me. 

"I like this too." I lean back as he lean over me and we made out for a while. 

After a while he pulled away and sat up. I smiled and sat up too. "I love you." I lean into him.

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead. 

"Can I ask you or tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course." He nodded. 

"Okay, well I was thinking that if you wanted we could move to the new house together, there are three bedrooms. I was thinking we could keep one room open for like storage."

"Or a baby?" He interrupted. 

"Someday." I smiled. "Then the other one could be for if like Steve or Johnny needed a place to stay." 

"That really sounds great." He smiled. 

"You sure?" I asked. 

"Of course, I love that idea." He smiled. 

"Good." I lean into him. "Oh and I kinda lied, I was scared you were going to be mad that I got the house so I said I only was going to put a down payment on it, well on Monday I'm signing the papers for it to be mine and we can move in then." I bit my lip. 

"Are you serious?" He asked. 

"Please don't be mad." 

"I'm not I'm excited, I'm glad we can move in there sooner." He grinned and kissed me. I smiled up at him. "You are the best." He smiled. 

"You are pretty cool too." I laughed. 

"Come on, let's go eat." He got up and took my hand, we went out to eat and then to a movie, after we came back and went to sleep since we both were tired. 

The next two days, if we weren't working we were at home packing our stuff so we could move in on Monday. 

Finally it was Monday, in the morning I was going to get the keys then to work then when both of us were off we were going to go move in. 

Soda beat me home and when I walked in he was ready to go. 

"Want to go see our new home?" I asked. 

"Yes." He jumped up. 

"Come on." I grabbed a small box and he did too as we walked down the block, when we got there I unlocked the door and we went inside. We set the boxes down and I felt his arms go around me.

 "It's amazing." He mumbled. 

"I know." I smiled and took his hand as we walked through the house, I bought it with most the furniture so it wasn't empty. We went back into all the rooms and picked out ours to put our stuff in. 

"Should we go and get the rest of our stuff?" He asked. 

"One more trip and then the rest can wait until tomorrow." I smiled. 

"Okay." We walked out and back to his old house and grabbed another couple boxes then head back home. 

We went inside and started to put stuff away, once we finished I smiled at him and kissed him. 

"Do you want to add one more first to this night?" He asked as we laid on the bed making out. 

I bit my lip and looked at him, he slowly kissed down my neck. "Yes." I mumbled bitting my lip to keep from moaning. 

"Sure?" He asked as he sat up and looked at me. 

"Yes." I pulled him back down on top of me. I knew that night was going to be perfect in our new house together. 

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