Chapter 29

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The next morning I woke up and felt sick, I wasn't sure if it was morning sickness or what happened the night before. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I sat in there for a while and I heard a knock. 

"Alex? You okay?" Steve asked. 

When I heard his voice it just made me sick again, I knew I couldn't face him. "Go away." I finally choked out. 

"Alex" I heard him sigh. "Come on, do you need anything?" He asked again. 

"I want you to leave." I mumbled barely loud enough for him to hear. 

"I'll leave, but I'll be back after work so we can talk." He spoke softer. "I'm sorry." He mumbled before leaving. I waited a little while before getting up I still felt sick but not as bad. I went and laid on the couch for a while. 

I ended up falling asleep and waking up around noon. I decided I should eat something.  I went and made a small lunch and cleaned up. I got ready and went to work for the afternoon. 

While I was at work nothing really happened it went slow. After work I got off and walked home. I went inside and Steve was sitting on the couch. "Hey." He smiled at me. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I said I was going to stop by after work, I wanted to make sure you were okay when you weren't back yet." He got up. "I also want to talk." 

"I don't." I walked past him. 

"Come on." He slowly went to grab my hand. 

"No." I pulled it away. "Last night was totally wrong. I love your best friend not you get over it." 

"Stop." He mumbled. 

"No you were out of line and tried to get to me when you know I'm emotional, I would tell Soda but he doesn't need to deal with it right now so leave, I don't want you to come back here." 

He looked at me for a second before walking out. I went to my room and laid down, I pulled out some paper and wrote to Soda. 

Dear Sodapop,

               I love and miss you so much, I can't wait until I get to see you again or even get a letter, I know I keep writing you a lot but I miss you and I just want to keep you updated with everything. I'm doing really well, I hope you are too. The baby is doing good too, I haven't had another appointment yet but I haven't been getting much morning sickness which is great. I just want you to know how much I love you no matter what happens, I'll always be yours never forget that. 

                                                                                                         I love you. Stay Safe. 

                                                                                                                                 Alex xoxo

I folded up the letter and decided I would wait until tomorrow to mail it since it was late.. I laid down for a while. I watched tv before making something to eat. I spent the rest of the night laying around before I went to bed. 

Finally the day had come for my appointment. I got ready and left, I got there a little early but I went inside and they were ready for me.

"Or do you want us to wait for your husband?" The nurse asked when she noticed I was alone. 

"Oh he won't be joining me." I shook my head. 

"Oh that's a shame." She looked at me with sad eyes. 

"He got drafted a couple days ago." I spoke softer, I didn't want her to think I just got knocked up by someone random. 

"Oh honey, I am so sorry. Just know we are all here for you if you need something." 

"Thank you." I smiled a bit.  They ran a little bit of blood work to make sure my levels were good. While I waited on that I got an ultra sound. I got to see the baby and we took a picture so I could sent it to Soda. I also listen to the heart beat. 

After my appointment I went and got a few things for supper and then went home. I got home and took a nap then I remember I needed to write Soda. I got out my other letter and started a new one. 

Dear Sodapop, 

               I love and miss you so much. I had an appointment today, I got to see our baby, I still don't know what it is but I got to hear the heart and I saw them. I'm putting in a picture so you could see them too. I already love them. They said everything looked good so I'm really happy, I just wish you could have been there. Just know I'm doing really good. I love you and I hope I hear from you soon

                                                                                                                          Love you, Alex xoxo

I folded up the letter and added the picture and went to go find an envelope and stamps so I could mail it. I just couldn't without telling him something happened. I pulled out the letter and on the back I wrote quickly. 


               I want you to know I love you so much, but something did happen. Just know that I love you and its was a misunderstanding. If you want me to tell you exactly what happened I will, but you probably won't like it. I don't want to upset you if you can't handle it, I want you to stay safe, just know it won't happen again I took care of it. I love you so much Soda. 

                                                                                                                           Love, Alex xoxo

I folded up the letter, I was nervous to send it but I knew I couldn't deal with myself if I didn't tell him. I addressed it and put it in the mail. I went back to the house and just cleaned up for a bit. I got bored so I decided to go see the gang. 

I walked over and got to the house, I couldn't just walk in so I knocked. Darry came and answered the door. "Alex, is everything okay? Why did you knock?" He looked at me carefully.

"Yeah I just wanted to see you guys and it felt weird to just walk in." I looked away from him. It kind of hit me being here with his bothers.

"You are family now, you are always welcome to just walk in." He smiled and held the door open so I could go inside. I went inside and saw Steve on the couch with Two. I wanted to turn around and leave right there.

"Hi." He smiled at me. 

I looked at him, and I couldn't hold it back I knew I was going to yell at him.  

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