Chapter 30

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"How dare you sitting there like everything is fine and not upset at all! I've been a mess since you kissed me and I'm terrified that Soda is going to break up with me when he finds out! I told him something happen. I hate you and I hope Soda hates you too so I never have to see you again!" I yelled before running out. I couldn't handle seeing him, every time I looked at him I just wanted to cry. 

I ran home and into my room and hid in my room crying. I didn't know how long it was going to take Soda to answer, but until I got an answer I knew I was going to be upset. I couldn't think straight, I heard a knock on my door and got up to look and see who it was. 

"Alex, it's just me Darry, I promise Steve isn't here. Please let me in so we can talk." He knocked again. 

I slowly opened the door and looked down. "Can I come in?" He asked. 

I slightly nodded and moved so he could come in, he sat down on the couch and I sat in a chair and looked at him. 

"Do you want to explain to me what that was?" He asked. 

I shook my head. "Ask Steve." 

"I did, now I want to know your side." 

"I told Soda something happened, if he wants to know what he could ask."

"Do you want me to help?" He asked a little annoyed. 

"I want you to help keep him away from me! You don't understand how bad I feel." I looked down. 

Darry sighed a bit. "Steve said you were like leading him on." 

"I wasn't! I've been a mess since Soda's left, he was comforting me and I didn't push him away when he hugged me!" 

"Steve said he did kiss you and you pulled away right away, I'll admit to that." Darry sighed. 

"I love Soda, Steve should know that I don't understand why he did that and now I just don't feel comfortable around him." 

"I know it's hard but he is hurting too and he must have thought something was happened between you since you been spending a lot of time together. I'm sure he understands now that it was wrong and won't do it again but he did promise Soda he would look out for you so he won't just stay again." 

"I know, I just feel sick when I see him now." I started to tear up. 

"Is that because you have feelings for him too?" Darry asked. 

"No! You know I love Soda, it's just been hard and I'm used to going to him when I'm upset and I can't now so I just feel like I don't have anyone." 

"You have us, and Steve. I'll tell him to take a couple days and I'll watch over you, but after that I'm letting him, you can't keep hiding from him." He got up to leave. "Be careful what you tell Soda. I don't want him loosing his mind there. Do you need anything before I head home to make sure no one has killed each other yet?" 

"No I'm okay. Thank you." I smiled and got up and gave him a hug. 

For the rest of the week Darry came over every evening to talk to me for a while and to make sure I was okay. 

On Sunday I heard a knock and got up and answered the door. 

"Uh hey." He smiled awkwardly. 

"Hi." I mumbled and looked down. 

"Can I come in?" He asked. 

"Sure." I mumbled softly and backed away from the door so he could come in. 

"Oh I grabbed the mail." He handed me it and I went though. 

"Soda sent me a letter!" I screamed and opened it. 

Hey Babe, 

            I love you so much, I miss you like crazy but I'm doing good. I just finished training and we leave in the morning so I wanted to send you a letter first. I got your other letters this morning, we weren't allowed to see them until we finished but it was great to read them. I'm glad you are doing well and the baby. I can't wait to find out what it is. Tell the gang hi for me.

I love you and trust you, do what ever you have too. I want you to be okay I know this is hard on you, I don't want you to worry about anything okay? I promise it will be fine and I don't care. If you want to tell me you can when I get back but it won't change anything I love you. 

Love Sodapop xoxo

Steve's POV

I watched her read the letter and smiled. She started to tear up a bit. "Sorry." She mumbled and wiped her tears. "It's nice to hear from him." 

"It's okay, I know you miss him." I smiled a bit. I watched her stare at the letter more. I couldn't help but feel jealous, I've liked her forever and tried to push myself away but Soda made me promise to look after and its been hard. I wanted to know if she told him and what he said but I didn't want to bring it back up. 

"Steve?" She looked at me as she folded up the letter and put it away. 


"I told Soda something happened, not what but I said I would tell him if he wanted me too. He said he didn't care and trust me to do what I have to, to make me get through this." She watched me closely. 

"So what does that mean for us?" I asked. 

"I feel awful rubbing it in the gangs face, I can't do that but I also feel awful but with you I feel less awful." She sighed. 

"It makes me feel better too." I smiled at her. 

"I want a day to think about it." I looked down. "I know it will help but I'm scared what Soda will do when he comes back." 

"We stop it, no matter what I know you love him so I understand. I just don't want you to do this by yourself. I know it's up to you. I would be willing to do anything." I slowly reached for her hand. 

"I really need a day." She quickly pulled away. "I'll see you later okay?" She got up and went to her room. I could tell that was her way of telling me to leave so I did. I walked home thinking I could have a chance I just wanted to make this work to help us both. 

Authors Note: Hey guys! Thank you for reading and sticking with my horribly slow at updating but with a long break I'm ready to get back into it! 

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