Chapter 15

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*Warning: There is a little bit of abusive relationship in this chapter*

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked wrapping his arms around me protectively. After a few minutes I explained to him what happened the night before. 

"I'm scared of him, what's he going to do to me or you?" I looked up at him. 

"He's not going to do anything to you." He shook his head. "I won't let him."

"Hey Soda I'm here, sorry I'm late." Steve yelled walking in back. "Is everything okay?" He asked when he saw me. 

"Can I tell him?" He asked looking at me. "It's probably good if the gang knows so if they try and get to them and so they can be careful too." I nodded and Soda explained the story. 

"That little, I'm gonna kill him." He was about to hit the wall but stopped. 

"Steve please don't, just help keep everyone safe, I don't want us to start anything." I looked at him.

"Okay, stay back here, I'll make sure they don't stop by. We can walk you home after." Steve nodded and went back to the front. 

"After we got off work, we are going to over my place and you are going to break up with him and tell him if he does anything we will get the cops involved. He won't lay a hand on you." He held me close. 

"A little late." I mumbled hugging him. 

"What?" He looked down at me. 

I slowly pulled up my sleeve to see the bruise he left from grabbing me. "I might have down played how hard he grabbed me." I mumbled. 

"Alex." He whispered. He didn't know what to do, I hugged him and he held me close. He kissed the top of my head. 

"Please don't break up with me ever again. I don't care if I get kicked out. I want to be with you." I looked at him. 

"I promise." He kissed me. We stood there a little longer and then he went back to work, I sat in the back with him until closing. I walked with him and Steve back to his place, the entire gang was there. They all were pretty shocked to see me. We explained to them some of what's been happening. 

"So can we just go beat their ass?" Dallas asked. 

"No." Soda stopped him.  

After we talked to them for a while Soda pulled me back into his room with the phone. "You sure you are ready for this?" He asked. 

"Yeah." I nodded sitting down and took the phone. I started to dial his number. 

"Hello?" He answered. 

"It's over with us. You need to leave me and the gang alone or we are going to the police. We have proof of what you did." I held Soda's hand as I spoke. 

"Okay. I'm not scared of you." He laughed and hanged up. 

I sat the phone down and looked at Soda. "I'm sorry you got involved in this, and with me." I sighed. 

"I don't regret one second of it." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but smiled and lean into him. He held me close for a while until Steve came back into his room. 

"So I hate to interrupt but I'm pretty sure there are like 3 different cars parked outside full of Socs." He told us. 

We both got up and went to look. "They need to get a life." Two-bit grumbled. 

"Well it's not safe for anyone to go out tonight, so everyone is staying here tonight." Darry got up. He came back with a bunch of blankets and pillows for everyone. 

Darry went to his room, then Johnny and Pony went to go take his room. Dallas slept on the couch, Steve on the floor along with Two-bit. I slept with Soda in the dinning room, he had his arm wrapped around me and we talked for a while before we went to bed. 

The next morning we woke up and they were gone. They gang all went home, they walked together so they weren't by them self. I stayed with the gang and looked at Soda. "How are you doing?" He asked. 

"Okay." I shrugged. 

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I feel like it's all my fault." He mumbled. 

"No it's not." I shook my head. 

"Yes, it is. If I wouldn't have broke up with you then you wouldn't have went out with him then." He held me close. 

"It was my choice to go out with him, I could have said no." I pulled away and looked at him. 

"We both no you couldn't have, he probably would have done worst to you." He looked down at me. 

"Can we just stop talking about this, I know it's going to end up in a fight and I really don't want to fight." I looked down. 

"Okay." He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I love you." 

"I love you too." I lean into him. 

"Do you want to go to school today or stay here?" He asked. 

"I need to go to school, I'll stay around Steve and Evie." I looked at him and added so he wouldn't protest. 

"Okay. If he bothers you tell someone. Promise?" He asked. 

"Promise." I smiled a bit. 

"I'm sure Steve will stop by and you can walk with him and Ponyboy." He told me. "If you want I'll go home with you so you can get ready." He offered. 

"It's probably going to be the last time I get to be there." I mumbled a bit. 

I heard him sigh. "If that happens, I'll talk to Darry to see if you can stay here for a while." He smiled. 

"Thanks." I smiled back. "I'll be back in a little bit." I walked home, I saw him watching me so I knew I got home safe. 

I showered and changed, I also packed a few things and then grabbed my work and headed back over to Soda's. 

"I missed you." He grinned and hugged me. 

"It was gone like 30 minutes." I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

"Still missed you." He kissed me, we made out for a while until Steve walked in. 

I blushed and Soda laughed, putting an arm around me. "Are you heading to school?" He asked Steve. 

"Yeah. Is Pony ready?" He asked. He didn't really like him, but he knew how upset Soda would be if he got hurt so he tried. 

"Yeah I am." Ponyboy walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his books. 

"Alex is going with you, try and keep an eye on her." Soda told Steve. 

"I can take care of myself." I looked at Soda. 

"Okay." He laughed and glanced at Steve, I caught him nodding and I rolled my eyes as we left. 

In school they didn't bother me at all. They left us all alone for the day. After school I walked with Steve to the DX to see Soda. 

"How was your day?" Soda asked when I walked in. 

"It was good." I smiled. 

He looked at Steve. "They didn't bother us." He agreed. 

"You believe him but you don't believe me?" I looked at Soda. 

"If they did I figured you would tell me they didn't so I would stop worrying, he promised to tell me the truth." He grinned and kissed me. 

I rolled my eyes. I spent most the day sitting back in the shop with him doing homework. 

"Babe, after I get off do you want to go home and see your parents?" He asked. 

"No." I mumbled. 

"You have too." He came over and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll be with you if you want me too but you have to go home and see what happens, if it gets bad you can always stay with us for a while." He promise. 

I kept trying to work on homework but now I couldn't focus, I was to worried about what I was going to say to my parents. 

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