Chapter 1: Ayato

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Ayato's POV
"Damn it!" I cursed, blood trickling down my left wrist, dripping onto the tiled floor. A fresh cut, made by my own hand, was bleeding heavily. I had cut to deep... "That scar isn't going to disappear." I moaned, covering it up with my sleeve. The silvery scars disappearing behind an oversized, black jumper. I zipped up the front of the jumper, all the way up to my throat.

I grabbed some tissues to wipe up the blood from the floor, trying to hide it from my sister, Touka. I've been living with her since my mother and father passed away, and living with her was hard work! She had chores for me to do, asking me to help with cleaning around the small apartment. But, it was better then the streets, I guess I was lucky in that point of view. I threw the tissues in the bin, opening my bedroom door to find Touka up and running about, getting ready for school. I sighed and sat on the sofa, reaching for the remote.
"Oi! Were is my tie?" Touka yelled from her room, looking through draws furiously. I shrugged, knowing she hated when I did that. I never went to university, so I didn't have to have the hassle of having essay on top of essay. She growled, taking the remote from my hand and ordering me to look for the stupid tie.
"Why do I have to? It's not my problem anyway." I moped, walking to my room again. She grabbed my shoulder and span me around, catching me by surprise, causing me to fall to the floor after losing footing.
"Fine. Don't help me look for my tie. Then go to my friends house and pick up some books please. Do that and I'll buy some of your favourite ramen." She snapped, hands on hips and looking down at me.
"Give me the address, and ill be on my way. And don't treat me like dirt. I'm only just younger then you." I replied, getting to my feet, wincing as I used my cut arm as a prop.

Strolling down the street, I listened to my music in my earphones, full volume. My long hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. I got to the address Touka had given me, having walked up fights of stairs to get to the place, and knocked on the door, taking one earphone out.
"Coming." A faint voice shouted from inside the house, the sound of a chair being tucked in followed. The door handle twisted, and in front of my eyes stood the most beautiful male I'd ever seen, pure white hair, tall and slender, soft facial features.
"Can I help you?" He asked, leaning on the door frame. I nodded, getting a note out of my pocket that Touka had written.
"Touka wants some books." I said, handing the note over. The male nodded, walking inside and coming back with an arm full of books. I stared at the books, knowing it would be he'll to carry all the way home.
"Are you walking? If you want I can drop you there. There to heavy to carry all the way." The male offered, noticing my expression. I nodded, moving out of the way as he stepped out, locking the door and walking to the elevator. An elevator. Really? I had walked up those stairs for no reason what so ever. We arrived at his car, a black Honda, and got in. We sat in silence for a while, until he asked, "What is your name?" I looked out of the window, watching the houses speed past as he drove.
"Ayato. What's yours?"

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