Chapter 18

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This is the last chapter of this book, so I hope you like it. Please tell me what you liked about this book and what type of book I should write next, I have no idea. Thanks for reading Drugs, Hugs and Love.

It's been a month since I ran away, and let me tell you, it's been the best bloody month ever! Hide has gone with Touka to visit someone they know, and Kaneki has had time off school and work. So me and him have been very, very close.

"Kaneki~" I whimpered, holding back moans as he played with me. He smirked slightly, leaning down and kissing my lips. I smiled softly against his lips and opened my mouth slowly, teasing him. His tongue danced around my mouth as his hands went further and further down my body. My breath hitch as he...

"Ayato, hurry up~" Kaneki pleaded. It was our one year anniversary. It's amazing to think that Kaneki has put up with me for one whole year. I applude him.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I muttered, closing the door behind me and holding his hand while we walk to the car. He was taking me to a surprise location for our anniversary. I hate surprises. This had better be good.

The car pulled up in an empty car park. I looked at Kaneki confused as he smiled and got out, me following afterwards. He took my hand and pulled me up a hill to a picnic already set out, with candles and everything. A bright smiled surfaced on my features, looking at the picnic and then at Kaneki.
"The surprise isn't over yet, Ayato." He chuckled, walking me over to the blanket and sitting me down. I watched him as he moved in front of me, kneeling down on one knee and a blush covering his pale cheeks. My face flared up as he opened a little box with a beautiful ring inside.
"Will you..." I didn't even let him finish as I launched into his arms and repeated yes over and over and over again. He laughed and hugged me tight, kissing me deeply.

"I love you, Ayato."

"I love you too, Kaneki."

Sorry it's so short, but I hope it's okay. I've had a lot of fun writing this story (and I'm sure Ayato and Kaneki did as well ;) ) and I hope you've had fun reading it!

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