Chapter 9: Uta II

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Hey! Just making a quick notice. In this chapter, there is going to be references to drugs and alcohol  😊
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My heavy eyes began to open slowly, the darkness of the room surrounding me. I sighed and switched on the light by my bed, wincing as it momentarily blinded me as my eyes adjusted. Near me was the blade I used, in a draw in my stack of draws was full of needles, drugs and alcohol. I know it isn't right for someone my age to have all this, but I needed it.

I am addicted...

A soft knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts, my gaze travelling over to the handle.
"Who is it?" I called out, waiting for a reply.
"Me." Uta replied, rattling something in his hand. I walked over to the door and opened it slightly. I held out my hand and tried to grab the bag in his hand. He chuckled at my repeated efforts, grabbing my hand and pulling at it to get me out.
"Just give it you prick!" I yelled, opening the door fully and grabbing the bag.
"Ah ah ah. No you don't." He teased, grabbing my shoulders as I turned away and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Uta, get off!" I mumbled into his arm, biting it as he tightened his grip. He yelled in protest as he let me go and saw the bite mark left on his arm. I slammed the door shut and opened the bag. Just what I needed. I was knocked off my feet as Uta charged into my room, locking the door shut after himself. I scrabbled across the floor towards the bag, that had flew from my hands as I fell. Uta smirked and grabbed my legs, pulling me away from it. I tried to kick him, but his grip tightened. I wriggled and thrashed as he picked me up by my feet and put me on my bed, moving to he was laying on top. I wriggled and protested, but he held my hands above my head, my neck in the other. I glared up at him, building up saliva in my mouth, ready to spit. His face needed to me closer. He leaned forward, now moving from holding my neck, to covering my mouth. I growled, opening my mouth to bite again.
"If you bite me again, I'll forget your next delivery of it." He warned, whispering into my ear. His cheek brushed mine as he sat back up. I slowly began to shut my mouth again, not wanting to take the risk.
"Good boy." He teased letting go of me with both hands, grabbing the bag and a belt off the floor."Now, give me your arm."
I held out my arm, the belt being wrapped around it tight. Tight enough that I slowly lost the feeling in that arm. He held up the needle filled with a clear liquid, tapping my arm below the belt so my veins came up. He slowly slid the tip of the needle into my vein, squeezing the liquid into my blood stream. It felt nice, I had got used to the sting of the needle, the heat rushing through my veins. He took out the needle, undoing the belt and placing it into my draw. I lay there as he let himself out of the apartment.

Next day...
Touka had invited Kaneki around to help her with university work, so he was around for the whole day. I went into the kitchen to get something to eat, but found him in there as well. He noticed me and smiled. I smiled back slightly. He was looking beautiful, stunning and handsome all at the same time. I went over to the fridge and grabbed the cold pasta me and Touka had last night. I sat on the counter and began eating, not realising Kaneki was staring at me. When I looked up, my gaze met his, my cheeks darkening in colour. We stared at each other for a while until Touka called Kaneki back to help her. I trudged back to my room, leaving the door unlocked. Sure enough, Kaneki knocked on it, asking to come in. I ceased the moment to hide and scare him. I hid under my bed and waited.
"The doors open." I called. I remembered doing this with Touka as kids. The look on her face was priceless. I saw the door open as he stepped inside, shutting it behind him. He walked forward, looking around for me. I wriggled out from under my bed and shuck up behind him.
"What you doing?" I asked, going onto my tip toes to look at what he was doing. I got a yelp from him as he jumped up in fright. Falling onto the bed, I curled up in fits of laughter. I can't remember laughing so hard in my life. He chuckled and sat next to me on the bed. I sat behind him, slipping my hands around his waist.
"I thought you said bi people were disgusting." He said as I nuzzled into his neck.
"Yeah, well fuck that. They aren't now." I murmured, placing a kiss on his jaw.
"How do you know if I have feelings for you?" He asked, holding my hands around his waist. I smirked and kissed his jaw again.
"Because who wouldn't want me as their boyfriend?"

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