Chapter 15

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The withdrawal symptoms are painful, my skin is  the palest it's ever and I've taken to alcohol consumption instead. Kaneki goes to school, then works at the café after that, then looks after me. I feel so bad for him, I am such a set back because all I do is drink beer and throw up. I'm sure he has been using someone else's bathroom, probably that ass - Hide's.

"I'm home! Are you okay?" He calls through the house, dropping his bags and taking the apron off. I moaned from the bedroom, having a stomach cramp. It's been going on for hours now, and it hurts bad, like real bad. He stands in the doorway of our room, leaning against it and looking over my shivering body curled up on the bed.
"Yeah I'm fine... I guess it is better then 5 weeks ago." I moan, turning over to face him.
"You weren't in withdrawal 5 weeks ago." He replied, rolling his eyes at me.
"Exactly." I yell moaned, looking him straight in the eyes.
"Okay, okay. Keep your shirt on." He chuckled, walking over and picking me up, trying to warm me up.
"That's kind of hard to do since I have no shirt on..." I smirked wrapping my arms around Kaneki's chest.
"I can see that, my ghostly boyfriend." He smirked back, sticking his tongue out and chuckling. That owed him a weak slap on his cheek.
"Don't be all smart with me, white haired boyfriend." I slurred, becoming tired and the stomach cramp dying down.

He held me for ages, softly rocking me until I had fallen asleep. I felt him slowly put me down and kiss my forehead, before leaving and closing the door behind him.

By the morning, I had thrown up twice, fell out of bed around fifteen times and hit my head many times on the cabinet next to me. I feel like shit. Actually, that's an understatement. I am in so much pain that I was secretly wishing for Uta to waltz through that door and give me a dose.


Happy Halloween!!
I'm sorry for not updating in so long, but I'm back I hope.
I've been writing a new book, that is a story with my own characters. I don't know if I should publish it, but if people comment on this part, I might publish it.
Anyway, here's part 15 of Ayakane

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