Chapter 4: Uta

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A silent knock was heard at the main door, Touka answering it. I hadn't come out of my room for over 3 days, fresh cuts up my arms, needles nearby. I was ignoring Touka to show her that if she hugged me, I wouldn't talk to her. Especially if there was others in the room.

"Hey Touka, is Ayato in?" A familiar voice asked. I opened my bedroom door and looked out, seeing Uta at the door. I moaned and shut my door, locking it from the inside. I heard a chuckle as Uta saw me, walking over and knocking on the door.
"Ayato, open up. I have the stuff for you." He said, his voice slightly muffled. I unlocked the door, opening it enough to stick my hand out.
"Give it to me, then get lost." I grumbled, feeling a bag put into my hand, then Uta snatching it back.
"If you want it, open the door fully." He teased, pushing slightly on the door with his free hand. I growled, but didn't open the door.
"Shut up and give it. Now!" I shouted, trying to reach for it.
"Aha, no you don't." Uta teased again, pulling the bag away from my hand. I growled again, opening the door fully and snatching the bag, kicking Uta in the progress, kicking him hard in the knee. He stumbled back in pain, but grabbed my leg, pulling me down to the ground. I slammed my head onto the carpet, luckily, but it still created a ringing in my ears, an ache in my temple.
"Fuck you Uta. Get off!" I grumbled, trying to wriggle out of Uta's strong grip. He didn't loosen his grip, but tightened it, until I cried out in pain, showing I had lost.
"Ouch! Get off! Okay, you win..." I shouted, stopping wriggling and turning over to face him. He grinned, knowing that he had always won, knowing our deal. That deal was that if I said he won, I would do what he asked, only once though.
"Go in your room, and I'll tell you want I want there." He smirked, letting go and letting me stand up. I muttered words under my breath, standing slowly and wincing at the pain in both my head and leg. I limped to my room, taking the bag and chucking it onto my bed. Uta followed, smirking slightly.
"Nothing stupid Uta." Touka warned, watching the whole thing. She doesn't care what I do anymore, she trusts Uta, and knows that I am safe with him. How could she be more wrong?

"Fine, Uta. What do you want me to do?" I moaned, sitting on my bed and holding my head. I can't believe I had to do this.
"Kiss me." He said simply, smirking and leaning over so our faces were near each other.
"What?!" I cried out, staring into his grey eyes in shock. He grinned saying it again. I moaned, looking down then pressing our lips together for a split second. He frowned.
"That wasn't a kiss, that was nothing." He pouted, looking at me.
"I ain't gay. You got what you wanted, now go away." I folded my arms over my chest and leant against my wall. He stood up and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I relaxed on my bed, opening the bag to find exactly what I wanted. I smirked and shut the bag, hiding it under my bed.
"Ayato. Open the door." Touka called, twisting the door knob. I ran to it and help it shut, my sleeves up and my cuts visible.
"What do you want?" I called, tugging the sleeves down, pulling scabs of, creating more bleeding.
"Go out and go to Kaneki's apartment. He left his phone by accident." She said walking away.
"How did he leave his phone? He came here a week ago." I said, opening the door.
"No, he came over last night to help me with my homework, using his phone and leaving without it." She said, holding the phone out to me. I took it and walked out the door. Looks like I'm seeing Kaneki again...

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