Chapter 6: Ayato II

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I ignored everyone for ages, not coming out of my room for anything. Touka was, or what I could hear, becoming very worried, knocking on my door to try and feed me, but only getting told to fuck off. I lost a lot of weight, looking more of a skeleton then before.

"Hello? Oh, it's you Kaneki. Come in." Touka's voice was muffled, but it was clear enough to understand. I sat up, taking my earphone out of my ear and listening in. They were talking about boring school stuff, but then it changed subject, and the new subject was me.
"He hasn't eaten in days, I don't even know if there's water in his room. He's not letting me in, so do you think you could try?" I heard Touka ask, sounding distant so she was probably in the kitchen on the other side of the house.
"I can try." Kaneki replied, sounding closer, so near my room already. This followed with a knock at my door, his soft voice asking to come in.
"The doors open." I muttered, looking away. The door knob twisted and he came in, looking over at me. He shut the door after himself and walked over, sitting near me.
"What's wrong? You're looking bad." He whispered, but more like a hushed voice then a whisper. I shot a glare over at him, his eyes looking into mine.
"You know what fucking wrong. You pushed it to far last time." I snapped, not going to be the one to break the stare. He sighed looking down, fiddling with his hands. I looked away, only to then move forward and hug the older teen from behind. A single tear went down my face, staining my cheek and falling onto the bed. I don't know what came over me, I just needed him right there, at that time. He relaxed in my embrace, holding my hands in his.
"And I don't want to this time." He whispered, looking back at me. I closed my eyes tight, feeling him shuffle me around so I was on his lap. I rewrapped my arms around him, his arms wrapping around me. I couldn't leave him, physically or mentally. I couldn't loose another that was so close to me now.
"Ayato, were is the blood from?" He whispered into my ear, a slight smirk on his face. I hit his back, squeezing him tighter.
"Don't ruin it, Kaneki." I murmured, my head resting against his chest. He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on my forehead, my face turning bright red. I had told myself over and over that I wasn't gay, but with him, being with him, I loved it...

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