Author's note pt3

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I know this is really random to be publishing something on this book, but I feel as though it would be read on here. I really need your opinion if you want to read more books by me.

These are some ideas (story descriptions) for stories I have. Which one(s) would you want to read??

>Location Zero: The Big Mistake

Location Zero is an underground lab that holds most of the worlds population of Anomalies. The Anomalies aren't treated as humans, but as test subjects as their "Gifts" vary in strength. Some might be able to make world peace, while others are able to destroy countries. The researchers that work with them are armed at all times, unafraid to pull the trigger at any given moment.

What happens if anomalies escape their cells? Will they get to freedom? Or will they be captured and sent back to the life they wanted to escape? Or worse?

Read "The Big Mistake" to see what it's like through the eyes of two Anomalies

>Haunted by his dark past

"What does death mean to you?"

"Sometimes death doesn't mean the end..."


Meet Daniel, born 17th April 1950, the boy who thinks he has it all, the school's bad boy who always gets the girl with his blonde hair and green eyes. Everything seemed to be going great until that one fateful day, 2nd January 1966, while he was on holiday with his parents.

Now meet the school weirdo, Braelynn , born 16th April 2002, the girl who has a small friendship group and who is seen as the spooky child who can see and talk to ghosts. Everything seemed to be going downhill as she sat her exams, until she met "him".

What happened that effected these two people's lives so much, for the good or the bad? And what is lurking behind his words? Will we ever know? Do we want to know?

(Contains strong language and references to suicide)

>An Impulsive Affair

(Own characters, own story)

"Whatever happens from now on, I won't let you escape, even if it means breaking your trust..."


When things don't go to plan while Dante and his mother are travelling to a holiday park, and Dante is forced to deal with emotions he had hoped to leave in his dark past. Will he be able to escape or will he fall in love out of impulse? Read "An Impulsive Affair" to find out more as the plot thickens...

>Whisper to Me

A story of dispiriting...

"I just want to help you Nate, but I can't. Not until you say what's wrong..."

Nate has been mute all her life, and being mute has led her through many painful experiences. After moving for the tenth time, she bumps into a loud, bubbly girl, that tries to speak softly to Nate and wants to help. There's just a bit of a problem, Nate doesn't know why she is mute, and why her life flashes before her eyes whenever she sleeps.

Read "Whisper to Me" to find out more.

So there all the ones I have, do any of them peak your interest? If yes, which one(s) so I know what books to work on more. Also if you didn't like any, tell me what type of book you would like me to write. This book "Drugs, Hugs and Love" has received a lot of love and comments, but I feel as though I have improved as a writer since then (basically, I think I was around 13-14 when I wrote it and I'm now 16). I know this sounds corny, but I write because I like to make others happy or have an impact on someone's life in even a small way.


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