Chapter 2: Kaneki

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"If your Kaneki, are you the one who Touka keeps talking about? The one with all the books?" I asked, still looking out the window. We had arrived at Touka's apartment a while ago, but neither of us had made the move to get out of the car.
"I do own many books, so probably. Why, what does she say?" He replied, looking over at me. "And what's your relationship with Touka? She's never mentioned anything about someone like you." After hearing this, I looked over at him.
"She says that your a good friend." I said, ignoring the second question until we got into the apartment. I got out of the car, hearing him sigh, following my actions. We both carried some books up the stairs, knocking on the door for Touka to open it. When no one answered, I mumbled something, finding my keys in my pocket. Reaching for them, the books fell from my hand, falling all over the floor with a crash. I grumbled, squatting down and picking them up. Kaneki chuckled, kneeling down to help.
"You get your keys, and I'll hold the books." He said, taking the books from my hands. I nodded and got out my keys, unlocking the door. I walked in, Kaneki following close behind, a bit to close for comfort.
"Touka's room is over there. I'm not allowed in for some stupid reason, but you can put the books by the door." I said, pointing over at the room opposite my room. He began walking over there, putting the books down. "Oh, and also. About your earlier question, my relationship with Touka. I'm her younger brother." I said, opening the fridge and pulling out two cola's. I threw one over to Kaneki, his reaction quick as he caught it perfectly.
"If your her brother, then why doesn't she talk about you?" He asked, sitting down on the sofa. I shrugged, going to sit next to him.
"We aren't the closest siblings. I'm only living here with her because our parents died." I admitted, gulping a load of cola. He nodded slowly, understanding what I meant. A twist of the door knob caught our attention, Touka coming home from collage.
"Hey Kaneki. Didn't know you'd be here." She smiled, seeing Kaneki first. Her smile turned into a frown as she spotted me, sticking her tongue out. I did the same, chuckling and jumping up off the sofa, walking to my room.
"Hello Touka, and goodbye." I snickered, disappearing into my room. I could hear Touka sighing, Kaneki's soft chuckles.

"Bye Kaneki. Thanks for bring Ayato home for me." Touka smiled, Kaneki leaving later in the evening. I looked out my room door, seeing Kaneki leave and Touka shut the door. She turned on her heals and faced me, just like father used to. I cowered and darted back into my room, slamming my door shut. She knocked on the wood furiously, almost tearing it down. I opened it reluctantly, slightly looking up at her.
"What did you say to him?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest. I shrugged, looking down.
"More like, what didn't you tell him, Touka." I replied, smirking slightly. She looked at me confused, moving the hair from covering her eye.
"What ever do you mean Ayato?" She asked again, frustrated and annoyed.
"You never tell anything to your friends about having a younger brother, do you?" I said, leaning against my door frame. She stared at me for a second, before walking to the fridge.
"Why would I talk to them about you, idiot." She exclaimed, looking for some of her favourite drink. I don't know what it is called, all I know is that she loved it, and I hate it!
"Because I'm amazing, the more good looking sibling and the more relaxed one." I teased, closing my door before she could reply.

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