Chapter 13: Ayato

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Hi, and yes I'm alive! I just wanted to add this song, because why not?? Enjoy this long waited chapter! Sorry it's so short...just like Ayato ;)

It's been a week since I moved in with Kaneki, and life is better then ever. I still cut and still do heroin, but Kaneki doesn't know. It makes me feel kind of guilty, but I don't want to tell him I do heroin in his house. I guess he thought I just did it somewhere else, or gave up, but no.

I slept in the spare room, moving into Kaneki's only if there were guests. Hide came around some days, mainly because of collage and him knowing Kaneki all his life. I still didn't talk to him, staying in "my room" and ignoring them.

It was getting so boring the fact that Hide kept coming over and doing homework, taking away the precious time I had with Kaneki. I looked silently out of the crack in my door to see them, talking and joking. This would have been fine, but Hide began blushing and edging closer to Kaneki, smiling and talking. I watched for a couple of minutes, then my stomach growled, asking for food. I went red, Kaneki looking over at my door, Hide following his gaze. I quickly slammed the small crack in the door shut, leaning against it.
"Ayato? Are you hungry?" I heard Kaneki ask, his voice becoming closer to the door. I stayed silent, the knocks hitting my back through the wood. He twisted the door handle, pushing against me, squeezing into the room. He smirked when he saw me in a blushing mess, shirtless on the floor. Leaning over to grab my face in his hands, he crashed our lips together, making me blush even more, kissing him back passionately.
"Naughty kitten." He teased, standing up and going to get some food.
"I'm not naughty!" I pouted, grabbing a black top from the floor.
"Then why were you shirtless?" He smirked, disappearing fully through the door. I stood up, opening the door and walking out, wincing slightly because of the sudden light, my room being almost pitch black.
"Hey Ayato." Hide greeted, looking over at me from the sofa. I stared at him, then walked to the kitchen, not dealing with his crap. Greedily, I grabbed the sandwich from Kaneki's hands, shoving it into my mouth. He chuckled and walked back to the sofa to carry on doing homework.

After shoving the last bit of sandwich into my mouth, I walked out of the kitchen, grabbing a Monster drink on the way. Kaneki saw me,  it let me go, knowing it was pointless trying to keep me in the room with his friends. Hide however, saw me and waved, trying to strike up a conversation. I glared at him, dismissing him and went to my room, cracking open the can of drink in my hand. The cold energy drink tricked down my dry throat, the taste of tropical flavour following it. The main door shut, signalling that Hide had finally left and I could be with Kaneki. I opened my door and sat down, resting my head on Kaneki's shoulder, my back against his arm.
"Ayato, why do you hate Hide? As in, you never talk to him or see he's in the room. Why?" He suddenly asked, moving me so I was laying on his lap.
"You don't see what he does when your around. I bet that he fucks himself thinking of you." I snap, looking away from Kaneki's soft features.
"Ayato...?" His soft voice made me look at him, his grey eyes looking down at me.
"What? Don't say it isn't true!" I argue.
"Fucks himself though, really?" He questions, fiddling with my hair.
"Yeah. You don't see the goo goo eyes he makes at you, the way he shoots closer to you and that stupid blush that is on his stupid face all the time." I growl.
"What, like the blush on your face right now?" He smirked, pulling lightly at my hair.
"W...what? I'm not blushing."
"Whatever you say sweetheart." He teased, kissing me softly.
"F..fuck you... Kaneki..." I moaned between the kiss.
"More like 'fuck me Kaneki.'" He joked, moving so he was nibbling my neck.
"N....nothing..." I whispered.
"Yeah right. Your friend is looking excited." He teased, leaving love bites on my collar bone. My eyes shut tighter and I swear I went bright red.

"Your so cute, kitten."

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